I believe that all students can learn and be successful if given the opportunity. As an educator, it is important for me to provide the students, as much as possible, the tools they need to become successful. I feel it’s important for students to know that their teacher believes in them, and feels that they can be successful even if the student doesn’t feel that way. I have to be able to reassure my learners that I am on their side, and will help them learn as much as possible. I believe that it’s important to express to my students my belief that success can be measured in different ways, not just academically. Students can experience success in different ways other than just in the classroom and need to be recognized when they do. In the book Discipline with Dignity, the authors discuss that a common cause of in classroom disruption issues is that some students feel they can’t be successful in the classroom, can’t be perceived as successful and therefore why try? The authors discuss that a cause of some students discipline issues is that since a student doesn’t feel successful, they feel like losers and therefore they would rather be troublemakers than be viewed as
I believe that all students can learn and be successful if given the opportunity. As an educator, it is important for me to provide the students, as much as possible, the tools they need to become successful. I feel it’s important for students to know that their teacher believes in them, and feels that they can be successful even if the student doesn’t feel that way. I have to be able to reassure my learners that I am on their side, and will help them learn as much as possible. I believe that it’s important to express to my students my belief that success can be measured in different ways, not just academically. Students can experience success in different ways other than just in the classroom and need to be recognized when they do. In the book Discipline with Dignity, the authors discuss that a common cause of in classroom disruption issues is that some students feel they can’t be successful in the classroom, can’t be perceived as successful and therefore why try? The authors discuss that a cause of some students discipline issues is that since a student doesn’t feel successful, they feel like losers and therefore they would rather be troublemakers than be viewed as