Psy/300 Week 1 Assignment

Superior Essays
I work in a unique school setting, teaching at the District 93’s Technical and Career High School located in Idaho Falls, Idaho that for the most part serves a student population from the 10th through 12th grades that draws students from District 93’s two traditional high schools in the district. District 93 has one high school, Hillcrest, which has a student population from an upper income, social economic status and one high school, Bonneville, with students from an agricultural and middle to lower income economic status. Both High Schools are extremely overcrowded, however the discipline issues are quite different for both. Bonneville High school community is a more rural, traditional, conservative and religious community which has a lower incidence of discipline problems while Hillcrest’s population is a more urban, liberal and progressive and has a noticeably higher rate of Discipline problems. This makes for a unique situation with the Technical High School, as the school draws from both schools as well as maintains a full time student population that stays in the school for all their academic requirements. The Technical High School prepares students for careers in the workplace with skills that employers desire in the fields such as construction, auto body collision and repair, auto mechanics, electronics and robotics, welding, Emergency Medical Technician Training and Animal Science. The faculty at the school are unique in that the majority of the staff has experience working in their fields and are alternatively certified in teaching. The students who attend the school are there because they choose to be; a lot of the students attend the traditional high schools in the district and come to the Technical School for their electives. There are some students ' that attend the Technical School full time and specialize in their chosen career fields as well as enroll in the traditional required courses such as English, Math and History. Another unique feature of the school is that the staff is very small, with 13 educators that teach the electives as well as core subjects and one administrator. The staff members, with the exception of five, have been at the Technical High School since its inception five years ago. The staff is involved in all aspects of the schools, and decisions are discussed as a faculty and generally voted on in the staff development meetings. The school does not have a discipline committee, and the school does not have a current student handbook. The school was designed to handle students who are interested in pursuing technical careers, however the student population base has expanded so quickly in the last few years that the policies and procedures has changed quite dramatically . The school originally did not have an established student handbook which addressed dress codes, discipline issues, etc. and is an issue the faculty has been addressed in the Professional Learning Committees and in Staff Developments. Our faculty is currently working on changing discipline procedures, dress codes, grading procedures, etc. Core Beliefs As an educator, I hold some beliefs that I feel are essential to student success and I …show more content…
I believe that all students can learn and be successful if given the opportunity. As an educator, it is important for me to provide the students, as much as possible, the tools they need to become successful. I feel it’s important for students to know that their teacher believes in them, and feels that they can be successful even if the student doesn’t feel that way. I have to be able to reassure my learners that I am on their side, and will help them learn as much as possible. I believe that it’s important to express to my students my belief that success can be measured in different ways, not just academically. Students can experience success in different ways other than just in the classroom and need to be recognized when they do. In the book Discipline with Dignity, the authors discuss that a common cause of in classroom disruption issues is that some students feel they can’t be successful in the classroom, can’t be perceived as successful and therefore why try? The authors discuss that a cause of some students discipline issues is that since a student doesn’t feel successful, they feel like losers and therefore they would rather be troublemakers than be viewed as

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