The National Institute of Nursing Research is one on the largest funding source for nursing research. They have been a vital part in the transitioning of nursing as a being defined as an art and a science. Art meaning we are caring, nurturing and science meaning we provide case base on the best evidence base practice available.
History of NINR Nursing research gained a significant place in the nursing profession with the funding of the National Center for Nursing Research (NCRC), which was established on April 16, 1986 and later became National Institute for Nursing Research (NINR) in 1994. The initial legislation that led to NINR establishment was the outcome of two federal studies. In the 1983, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) report …show more content…
This program is based on the concept that in the 21st century, cooperation is necessary to achieve highly successful research results. Because of this, collaboration between different professionals has been shown to be an evolving model. These centers bring together individuals such as scientists, students and others sharing the same interest. They come together with the intent to focus on common areas of study. This is done in an effort to improve patient outcomes, address chronic diseases as well as examine end of life care. In relationship to President Obama’s Precision Medicine Initiative, the NINR supported scientists have been working on developing strategies that will help prevent and treat diseases in individuals based on specific factors. One such study Discontinuing Statin Treatment in Adults with Advance Illness is Safe and may be associated with improved quality of life and reduces health care cost. This resulted in findings that proved not only to be safe and cost effective but also proved to be beneficial to the patients. This has been a contribution to evidence base that is useful in making the decision about the need for Statin therapy during the end of life stage. NINR …show more content…
All of the research priorities have an over arching theme to improve health care outcomes and quality of life for all patients. The priorities of the NINR are to increase health promotion and disease prevention; manage symptoms associated with acute and chronic disease by promoting self management; eliminate health disparities; and improve all aspects of palliative care (NINR, 2015). The NINR seeks to fulfill its research priorities by funding intramural and extramural research projects. The funding for intramural research projects covers all the research programs that take place within the NIH (National Institute for Health). Extramural funding covers all research projects that take place outside of the NIH. The NINR along with its intramural and extramural programs supports research that will expand nursing science (NINR,