The Cause Of Disobedience

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Everyone has a different point of view on disobedience, some people would see it as a way to express themselves, and fight for what they believe is right. Others may differ in their actions, but I strongly believe it has a good cause to it. Oscar Wilde states it best when he claimed: “Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is man’s original virtue”.
Throughout the early 1910’s, the woman was in a rage of not being treated equally as men. Fighting against the government for their rights, also known as the “ Women’s Suffrage”. Their willingness to fight was powerful enough that it led to the passage, and ratification of the Constitutional amendment guaranteeing women the right to vote. This was a major impact in the United
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lead the civil right movement. He inspired America and brought whites and blacks together as a family. No more discrimination, and one of his most famous speeches “ I Have A Dream”, described all the chaos occurring the United States. We are all equal, no matter if you're black, white, Mexican, and etc. Adversity hits everyone, but it depends on how you react to it. Martin faced adversity throughout the movement by being assaulted by law enforcement, and being thrown in jail over 30 times. He didn't matter if he died, but what matters the most to him was making sure he accomplished his goal. Without his actions, our world would be divergent than it is now.
Oscar Wilde belief of disobedience being a blessing in disguise is valid. They’re countless historical moments that changed our world that started from a person's disobedience and weren't afraid to speak out. You never know who can change the world next; maybe it can be you, a friend, a family member or someone that goes to your school. Life is so unpredictable, and you can't take everything for granted. Be someone who would make this world a better place to live. Some people won't believe you, but you have to take chances since you never know the

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