In lecture, we have discussed Vygotsky’s zone of proximal development, which is the range of developmentally appropriate expectations. Normally, one would learn from their parents how to emotionally react to certain stimuli in situations. However, self-regulation skills develop gradually and in Michael’s scenario, he was not taught appropriate self-regulation in terms of his emotions. In my opinion, Michael’s confrontation with stressful and traumatic events such as being separated from his mother as well as homelessness at such a young age has led to overall emotional distress. In regards to Mary Ainsworth and John Bowlby’s article “An Ethological Approach to Personal Development (1991) fright activates attachment behaviour, as one tries to reach a haven of safety. This theory is portrayed when Michael is presented in a fearful or nerve-racking situation he reacts by closing his eyes and counting down. This strategy comes from what his mother made him do when she was either doing drugs or if something bad was about to happen. Michael was never taught any emotional strategies to remove himself from uncomfortable situations making his emotional development very weak. Another portrayal of weak emotional development is displayed when SJ tells Michael, “Smile, it lets them know that you are their friend” when he is approaching some children. …show more content…
Michael’s lack of so called “common behavioural knowledge” and family experience shows how little aspects of life can be non-existent when not provided the opportunity to be nurtured and supported. The film, The Blind Side, portrays an accurate display of the developmental consequences and results that present themselves when deprived of a secure learning environment in the home. This film offers a real life experience that provides reassurance of the necessity of parental guidance when Michael develops a great deal when the Touhy family provides him with an exceptional family environment that allows for growth. This depicts to society the idea that children are “full-time learners” in the idea that they need constant observation and guidance in order to develop in a socially successful way. This is a helpful message as parents learn how to properly care for a child in order to help them grow with as much success as they can provide. In conclusion, the film provides great examples supporting developmental theories in relation to the differences between stable and instable family