Although at the end of the National Anthem it states" O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!", everyone is not free to express how they feel. Colin Kaepernick has a big platform being a NFL player. Kaepernick goes on to say "this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way", since he is a minority he understand how it feels. He is giving all of those families who had to bury a child, mother, or father a voice. A voice that no one else was trying to hear or listen to. A voice that called on protest rallies and boycotts that were seen as violence or a rebel. Colin Kaepernick is speaking up for many of the minorities that don't have a platform to let their voice to be heard in order to make a change.
Although at the end of the National Anthem it states" O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!", everyone is not free to express how they feel. Colin Kaepernick has a big platform being a NFL player. Kaepernick goes on to say "this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way", since he is a minority he understand how it feels. He is giving all of those families who had to bury a child, mother, or father a voice. A voice that no one else was trying to hear or listen to. A voice that called on protest rallies and boycotts that were seen as violence or a rebel. Colin Kaepernick is speaking up for many of the minorities that don't have a platform to let their voice to be heard in order to make a change.