Americans should not be required to vote. Once an action becomes required by the law, it becomes a chore. Document B shows the difference in rates of adults who are above 30 and under who vote. Ages 18 to 29 are at a little above 50%, while the rest start at 60% and go up. It is evident that younger Americans are not as interested or devoted to our elections.…
However, besides my point, I think the strongest argument to lowering the age would be the double-standards teens face. We are held to have thousands of responsibilities that adults do, yet we don't have necessarily all the exact same rights. Voting, as many people…
In 1984, the federal drinking age was raised to twenty- one. Since that time, there have been many positive results, such as reduction in some college students who engage in active binge drinking. However, there have also been some negative effects. As over 100 college presidents who favor reconsidering the federal drinking age point out, many college students engage in binge drinking as a way of rebelling against the twenty-one age barrier. The presidents also point out that most college students who engage in drinking are under twenty-one years hence it can be argued that they are just rebellious.…
Voting in elections is made obligatory when leaders of a country have the right to do so, and when they feel it is a non-negotiable duty for citizens. Some leaders try to make it so everyone will vote regardless, others intentionally create loopholes in the system to avoid any abuses of freedom such as making it compulsory to register to vote, but not actually to cast the vote. In 2004, International IDEA found that 30 countries exercised compulsory voting, however some only on a federal, not a national level. Nevertheless, Australian academics Lisa Hill and Jonathon Louth claimed that actually, only around 14 of these countries compulsory voting schemes were popularly enforced. This shows that countries rarely have their compulsory voting…
The argument of whether the legal drinking age should be lowered has been in great opposition. According to Brandon Grigg’s article “Should The U.S Lower Its Drinking Age”, published in CNN. A 2007 Gallup poll found that 77% of Americans opposed lowering the drinking age in all states to 18. I'm in favor of that and believe that lowering the drinking age will result in more harm than good.…
According to an article on The Cincinnati Enquirer, studies have shown that voting is a habit to begin early. It was found that if people don’t start out as voters when they are young, they are less likely to ever vote. One of these studies included a Yale University study in which it was discovered that students shown how to operate a voting machine were more than twice as likely to vote as students who weren’t shown. Lowering the voting age would both increase voter turnout and further educate citizens about the voting process, in turn causing them to vote more responsibly than some young adults today. It is for these reasons that I strongly believe that the voting age in the United States should be lowered to sixteen years of age.…
First of all, the outrageous criteria to be eligible to vote here in the United States is undoubtedly preposterous. To vote, you first have to be 18 years or older ("What Are the Requirements to Be Eligible to Vote in Federal Elections?"). While this may seem justified, many people eager to vote are being withheld from doing so because of this age requirement. Voting shouldn’t be off limits to someone because of their age! Instead, the age requirement should be lowered significantly in order to allow more freedom for a surplus of citizens.…
It would end up just pouring countless mindless votes in the picture. Not saying that 16 year olds are unintelligent or not worthy of voting, just that they have not…
In conclusion, the voting age should absolutely be lowered so teenagers are given the chance to vote. First thoughts, teenagers become more mature, wiser, and are able to choose the right thing more often. For instance, teenagers do not find the same things funny not that they are older. Picture yourself back then, making silly faces and stupid jokes, but now you make very little jokes at all. If the government does not think that teenagers are mature enough to vote then why do some people trust teenagers to help the elders or to do community service for other people?…
Should the minimum voting age be 18 years old? The 26th Amendment gives young adults under the age of 21 the right to vote. At the time of the Vietnam War the minimum voting age was 21 years old. Whether or not you think the minimum voting age should be 18, the 26th Amendment helped further improve equality in the United States.…
The idea that the drinking age should be lowered to 18 is a foolish statement. The drinking age was 18 at one time, but was changed in 1984 for the greater good in the 1984 National Minimum Age Drinking Act. (APIS) I believe the national drinking age should stay the same because the brain doesn’t fully develop by age 18, 18 year olds still hang out with enough minors, and if you’re going to drink for an appropriate reason, most states allow underage drinking anyways. Lowing the drinking age would be a huge mistake.…
Mandatory voting is a poignant subject that would change the political map of the United States. Theodore Roosevelt once said, "A vote is like a rifle; its usefulness depends upon the character of the user. " In the most recent 2014 midterm elections, voter turnout rates were at their lowest since 1942, with less than 37% of the eligible population making it to the polls. People with higher political education should be focusing on educating the people as a whole, rather than forcing people to vote. Continuing on, it is often thought that uneducated people are easy to persuade, so campaign members pay a substantial amount of money to advertisement companies.…
This is a good point but overall we should not be forcing the uneducated to vote. The frontal lobe of the brain is responsible for judgment and decision-making and does not fully develop until the age of twenty-one, so it would be more logical to change the voting limit to twenty-one. It would also make sense to have people pass a basic constitution test before voting. This will sort out the wise from the unwise because only the people who truly care to do research will put the time and effort into voting. This will keep the uneducated from voting, while still giving everyone the opportunity to…
At eighteen one can vote, join the service, get married, buy tobacco, work in a bar, and do many other things. The drinking age should be lowered back to eighteen because: if eighteen year olds are capable of voting and fighting for their country, they should be able to have a drink, also, lowering the age would help with less college students…
The twenty sixth amendment of the United States Constitution lowered the voting age from twenty one to eighteen. The debate to lowering the voting age began during world War II and intensified in the Vientam War. Young men were being denied the option to vote but were being enlisted to fight for our country. In the Oregon v. Mitchel case in 1970, the divided U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Congress had the right to change the age regulations in federal elections. Franklin D. Roosevelt was president during World War II.…