Instead of complete open access, critics call for reasonable network management as a way of regulating the media (Yoo). If users have equal access to all media platforms at all times then, perhaps, competition between companies and innovation of new ideas will be stifled. Net Neutrality strips and restricts media content of any company ownership, which, therefore, abolishes any form of competition between network providers because there is nothing they are legally able to gain control over. Reasonable network management, however, supports a healthy amount of competition between network companies by allowing the creation of fast lanes in order to gain as much user traffic as possible for company promoted content. The lack of media ownership under the Net Neutrality system also brings into account the issue of property rights and the inability to identify who owns what due to the fact that specific network ownership cannot be publicized. Finally, the stance against Net Neutrality frames the argument in terms of the public’s interest and content quality. It is claimed that the regulation of media will ensure a higher quality of accessible content for all internet users because lesser-quality content will be placed in slow lanes and eventually phased out due to minimal usage (“Open Internet”). Ultimately, this form of media regulation allows for corporate bias. Simply put, it is corporate …show more content…
The purpose of Net Neutrality as an open system is to support the diversification of power, meaning that no one voice has superior authority over all others (Jenkins). Under Net Neutrality, all internet data is created equally as it works to ensure no discrepancy in content accessibility. The Obama Administration fully supports the installment of Net Neutrality saying that, “We cannot allow internet service providers to restrict access or pick winners and losers in the online marketplace for services and ideas” (Irwin). This model is important because a main function of the internet is to decentralize power and provide a platform of equal opportunity and influence to all that use it regardless of monetary limitations. Net Neutrality sustains a democratic digital environment that thrives on accessibility and public participation, which is what the online world functions as being. Both the reasonable regulation of networks proposed and Net Neutrality have valid argumentation points that consider the public’s interest in contrasting