Sustainable management is the ability to successfully management of the quality life in our planet. It is applicable to all aspects of our lives. The practices of a business are also sustainable managed. It should be sustainable to stay with quality and proper existence in the business world. Here in this study, I will discuss about UK’s Supply Chain TESCO Plc’s sustainable management policy and its approaches. I also tried to analyze Corporate Social Responsibility and Utilitarian Approaches of Tesco Plc.
As we know, Tesco is one the big supply chain in the world having throughout fourteen (14) countries. Currently, they have 5380 stores globally. Tesco offers certainly an indelible remark within the supermarket scenery in the UNITED KINGDOM as well as rest of the world. Tesco is self-confident about keeping a positive effect on their interests in the long time.
The study discusses about the Corporate Social Obligation and Company Ethics of Tesco. Finally, this study will give a few appropriate suggestions to Tesco’s sustainable advancement under their Corporate Social Responsibility with Ethical Business approach.
2. Theoretical approaches
There are various approaches are included in the analysis for Sustainable Management. But in my study I have chosen Corporate Social Responsibility of TESCO along with their …show more content…
The responsibilities in Tesco are beyond the shareholders and towards the stakeholders too (Hopkins, 2003). Tesco Plc has certain standards in order to be ethical and maintain it for sustainable management. These are followed by the EU regulations, banking transaction codes, etc. Some of the stakeholders have non-monetary interest. Therefore they are less concerned too. Tesco has responsibilities toward the suppliers of his retail stores. Such as, Tesco have keen attention on pay back to the suppliers. Following Freeman’s stakeholder approach, Tesco’s stakeholders