Suicide Prevention Methods: The Causes Of Teen Suicide

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Teen Suicide
SUICIDE! “Suicide the word alone catches a person’s attention, the truth is it catches everyone 's attention, but the actions that lead up to suicide go unnoticed,” (Bridgewater). Suicides definition is when someone willingly takes his own life. What a majority of people do not know is that teen suicide rates have increased significantly over that last ten years. Every 13 minutes there is approximately one to two suicides in America alone; there are as many as one suicide every 40 seconds worldwide. 105 suicides in the span of one day have affected teens ages 15 to 24. While knowing this it has been proven that males are more likely to commit suicide than females. The techniques between the two are extremely different; males are
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“Teachers should be aware of suicide prevention methods. Schools have been sued ....” (Michael 5). This is a huge thing when a teen displaces any signs of suicidal thoughts or actions, a teacher or school member should do anything in their power to help. Students do not always feel like the people that work for the school will genuinely listen, and not judge them. Teacher have to be open to listening and providing better options and not lecturing and judging. Teacher also have to be willing to let the parents of a student who is going through something like this what is going on. A teacher has a job to let the parents know even if they are only seeing signs, and are not 100 percent sure that the teen may be suicidal. Suicides tend to cause ripple effects, this is why teachers and staff members are more aware when there has been a suicide, than before. If this was only the case all the time teachers and staff should always be on their toes when it comes to topics like this one.
To conclude teen suicide a growing problem in the world and it needs to stop. If we all learn the warning signs of suicide we could help make this problem decrease. The world needs to be on its toes and squash this problem as soon as possible. Nothing is more important than the rates of suicide in the world. If we could terminate this problem we would be saving millions of lives every months and hundreds of lives each day. With the help of everyone this problem can be understood and

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