Technology And Childhood Obesity: Article Analysis

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Technology has caused severe physical, behavioral, and psychological effects on health. Some of these effects are child obesity, aggression and developmental delays. As technology advances the ramifications of misuse leads to consequential complications on health. An overuse of technology can result in an early death, no relationship, and unemployment.
Childhood obesity has grown over the past few years. In the article, “Kids, computers and childhood obesity” Janet Caputo and Paul J. Mackarey comments, “Recent studies have shown that excessive use of electronic devices- computers, cell phones, e-book, etc.- contributes to childhood obesity.” (Caputo, Mackarey) As exposure to technology increases, a decrease in physical activity begins to occur. Children spend more time in front of a computer or TV, they spend less time outside exercising. They are spending an excessive amount of time immersed in technology which leads to mindless eating. Also, the type of programs children view can also influence impulsive snacking. The food
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In the article, “Video gamers aggression linked to frustration, not violent content,” Steven Andrews asserts, “when people feel they have no control over the outcome of a game, that leads to aggression.” (Andrews) Video game violence causes a decrease in prosocial behavior such as empathy and sensitivity to aggression. While playing a videogame if the person experience involve a threat to their ego it can lead them to be hostile and unkind to others. So if players feel thwarted by the controls or design of the game they wind up feeling aggressive. Additionally, players of violent video games are likely to identify with a violent character. As a result, video games directly reward violent behavior. For instance, players receive points and advance to the next level. Furthermore, players inhibit proactive executive control which causes knee-jerk reactions and

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