Crooks is the stable guy who responsibility is to take care of the horses. During this time discrimination was still a prominent problem, and because of this Crook is not allowed in the bunkhouse along with the other men, and has to live by himself. He remembers his childhood fondly where he played with white children who came to his family's chicken ranch, “The White kids come to play at our place, an’ sometimes I went to play with them, and some of them was pretty nice” (Steinbeck70). Crook talks about his childhood of how his family was the only black family with a ranch for miles. He remembers of the good relationships he had with the kids from his ranch and dreams for relationship the same relationship he had before with white people.…
The human issues come up in the first chapter of the book because when George tells the story about getting run out of the weed because Lennie does not understand right from wrong so he don’t understood also accused of attempting rape when really he just wanted to touch the girl’s dress because he thought it was so pretty but instead of listening to his explanation and being given a fair trial a lynch mob forms to capture Lennie. This was good example of a person being understanding and treated wrong because he have a mental handicap with is human right issues…
Showing compassion and empathy toward a character or a person is showing sympathy. John Steinbeck, the author of Mine and Men makes the readers not sympathetic toward Lennie. The book Of Mine and Men by John Steinbeck is a book about two migrant workers, having the American Dream to own their own place on the fat of the land. Lennie does many things that shows that he is a bad person, it comes out with his actions and his traits.…
This chapter also gives us a more detailed profile of Crooks. How he has the room in the same barn as the horses, and there’s poop right outside of his window. How he thinks white people shouldn’t be allowed in his quarters because he isn’t allowed in theirs. The chapter shows us how Crooks thinks every guy needs another guy to talk to, which…
Crooks is a black man during a time of racism. His desires are to fit in with all the white people…
The book Of Mice and Men is full of puzzling examples of the human condition, from Lennie and his mental disability to Curley’s wife messing with all of the men’s heads. With characters like these two, the book exploits the human condition that concerns circumstances life has gives you. John Steinbeck brings to life what being a laborer in the American depression meant to the men and one woman who had enough personality to stand out. George, Slim, Curley, and Lennie are all very different people with lives that make them have different views and priorities.…
Crooks is the only black man on the farm. He is crippled and the boss often lets his anger out on him. Crooks is treated cruelly by everyone on the ranch because he is an outcast. One day, Lennie comes to visit him in his room and Crooks describes his bitterness to Lennie. Crooks says, “...…
Crooks is a African American slave worker on the ranch. The other workers on the ranch exclude him from everything they do. For example, when Crooks says, “ They play cards in there, but I can’t play because I’m black. They say I stink. “ (Of Mice and Men pg.68) It proves how all the workers on the ranch exclude Crooks from everything mainly because he is black.…
Crooks is an African-American in the 1930s when racism was taking part, causing him to be discriminated. “‘Long as you won’t get out and leave me alone, you might as well set down,’ his tone was a little more friendly” (69). Nobody ever wants to go to his room because he is a colored man, but when Lennie came, he doesn’t feel different. Crooks is surprised when Lennie ends up at his door because no one wants to go there.…
George could have been well off without Lennie, but still continues to care and support him. They have one another to talk to, be with, and look after. ‘With us it ain’t like that. We got a future.…
The Problems and Frustrations in Society “This society is driven by neurotic speed and force accelerated by greed and frustration of not being able to live up to the image of men and women we created for ourselves; the image has nothing to do with the reality of people.” - Yoko Ono. In the novel Of Mice and Men, the frustrations of societies are found all over. This novel takes place during the Great Depression.…
Of Mice and Men is a book written to expand human empathy. In the context and process of a plot telling the story of two men that struggle to find work in the time of the Great Depression. George Milton and Lennie Small are struggling to find work and George has had to take Initiative and take care of Lennie because of his mental condition. George is at a point in life where he has no one to confide in, or similar too it's just him having to be responsible and taking care of Lennie.…
Crooks is one of the loneliest people on the ranch. People on the ranch do not pay much attention to him because of his race. Because Crooks is black, he is segregated from the rest of the workers on the ranch, “Crooks the Negro stable buck, had his bunk in the harness room; a little shed that leaned off the wall of the barn. ”(Steinbeck, 66). He is not allowed to live in the bunkhouse with the rest of the workers.…
He is a African American who is left out and discriminated. Crooks does not stay in the bunkhouse with everyone else. Instead, he stays in a shed leaned off to the wall of the barn which is the harness room. Since he is African American, Crooks is controlled by most people and they are rude or racist towards him. Crooks is better by himself so no one is making fun of him or telling him what to do.…
In the book, Crooks is the only black man. All the white men like to go out and have fun, but he is always left out and can not go because he is black. He says “‘Cause I’m black. They play cards in there, but I can’t play because I’m black. They say I stink.…