Interactions with diverse peers inside the classroom and outside the classroom are influencing factors of diversification of student environments. Results also showed that curriculums that were diversified aid students in exposure to diversity and diverse communication. This study demonstrated how institutions need to structure and facilitate interactions between diverse communities on college campuses around the nation (Hurtado, 2005). The results were supported by another study by…
This critical reflective account will discuss the development of me as a leader and manager within my health profession and my team, over the course of The Mary Seacole Programme. I have identified my leadership strengths and my personal development. This course has encouraged me to reflect upon my vision and style of management, and has allowed me to further identify areas that I will need to enhance into making me a more versatile leader. Part 1 Developing my leadership skills is important for me given the circumstances that as a first time leader whose job role previously didn’t involve having a team managed by myself, to a position now who manages or interact extensively with staff and patients daily, therefore during my time undertaking…
SNC conducted a five paragraph order that covered all of the requirements pertaining to the mission. SNC was displayed confidence through his loud tone demonstrated SNC understood the mission. SNC stated accurate information based on the information that was given by the evaluator. SNC was able to develop an initial plan that consisted of getting his fire team back to MA-2A in order to turn in the map found on the enemy to the S2 Intelligence. SNC made all decision as the fire team leader without relying on suggestions and SNC was able to make adjustments to the plan from the result of taking enemy contact in which left one of the fire team members wounded.…
The purpose of this body of work was to address medication errors and safe medication administration practices in relation to practicing nurses and nursing students via several different approaches. These different approaches will be presented as three separate papers but interrelated themes. The specific purpose for each paper and the corresponding research questions were addressed individually in each chapter. The approach used in the first paper was a systematic literature search of medication administration errors and the pediatric population; five themes emerged including the incidence rate of medication administration errors, specific medications involved in medication administration errors and classification of the errors, why medication…
I am a Student Paramedic with the East Of England Ambulance NHS Trust and this essay will look reflectively at an incident I attended during the course of my duties. The assignment will reflect on the moral, ethical and legal aspects of pre-hospital care that challenged me during this particular emergency. Reflective practice is a requirement of the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC, 2014). Rolfe, Freshwater and Jasper (2001) state, “we learn by doing and realising what came of what we did”.…
In the article “Is College Worth it” the writer provides surprising data stating that people who decided to attend college and graduate are more likely to help reduce the financial strain on society. Hrabowski author of “College Prepare People for Life” emphasize that by enrolling in college, students can learn and develop vital skills, which can later be used to help contribute to their communities (260). While college not only helps individual develop new skills, it provides excellent rates of return. Owen and Sawhill author of “Should Everyone Go to College” mentions that the rates of return by attending college is significantly better than those with only a high school diploma, therefore, the benefit of attending college and earning a…
Reflective Analysis Case Report Component Paper Worldview is responsible for how we think and how we make decisions on a daily basis. It is a “set of assumptions, presuppositions, unconsciously held but affect how we think and live” (Cosgrove, 2006, p. 20). It is imperative to understand that every person have their own worldview. Worldviews vary from culture to culture, and religious beliefs. For one to not recognize that the worldview of others differ from one’s own beliefs opens oneself up to discrimination against others.…
Introduction Definitions of intelligence vary among scholars, theorists, and laypersons, due to its multidimensionality. However, intelligence typically involves an individual’s ability to learn from experience and adapt to the environment in which they live. I believe that the construct of intelligence should encompass an individual’s ability to effectively communicate in both written and verbal form, to think logically, and to express creativity. Two intelligence tests in which I recently had the opportunity to take and score included the Shipley Institute of Living Scale-2 and the Wonderlic Personnel Test.…
Nicholas Holbrook Engl 1302.W31C Annotated Bibliography Hyman, Jeremy. “Why Does Diversity Matter at College Anyway?” U.S. News and World Report. U.S. News and World Report.…
Joining the New Visions program was one of the wisest decisions I have made. When nurses that I shadow at Unity Hospital express how jealous they are that they didn’t have a program like this when they were in high school, it reminds me to take advantage of this opportunity that not every student receives. I am confident that when I graduate college, I will be able to recollect this program, and how it led me to be successful. I will reminisce about the long hours dedicated to each college-level assignment in determination to receive a grade in the high 90’s, or that moment when I witnessed a five pound baby be born from a cesarean delivery, or even when I stood next to the operating table observing a total knee replacement surgery, while the surgeon and nurses took the time to teach me about what they were doing--an opportunity that not even college nursing students were able to see. Every assignment I completed, conversation I had, and person I met, has transformed me into a more educated and open minded student.…
The Australian Curriculum is futures oriented. The overarching objective is to equip students with 21st century skills and a quest for lifelong learning (Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority, 2012, pp. 4, 5, 28). The challenge for teachers working at the crossroads of these varying discourses in the classroom is to translate the curriculum in a manner that places each student at the centre of teaching and learning in a encouraging and intellectually challenging manner. This paper will compare and contrast these various discourses within the Middle Years (Years 7 – 9) and Senior Years (Years 10 – 12) contexts.…
Everyone hates English class is what I thought before taking English 102. However, that may have been the case before I entered Dr. Byrd’s domain, but after finishing the class I have come to the realization that English class can be greatly resourceful. English 102 this year has had its ups and downs, and I must admit the ups outweigh the downs. Meaning, this year, I have learned that I am not a student who wants to read or write, but through reading and writing my mind and skill sets concerning English have grown. During English 102 this year, reading and writing in class helped me expand my writing skills, improved my will to comprehend, and most importantly helped expand my knowledge.…
The Final Test I passed the final test, but they didn’t. It all started with my class, called the “9ers”. We were the first class to ever have their whole grade graduate on the same day. We were the smartest of them all, is what the counselor told us. All we had to do was pass the final test to figure out who were leaving to go to the new community.…
The University of Washington is a prestigious school with a big campus and an even bigger student body. For me, as a freshman, this was intimidating. Ten weeks ago I walked into my English class loathing the thought of writing paper after paper. The reading I can deal with, but I’ve always detested writing. To this day I procrastinate writing as long as I can.…
Stephanie, I too found this assignment to be difficult as I evaluated my personal skills and development level over the last 17 years in this profession. You would think by being a nurse for 17 years I would be on the expert level. However, had you asked me this 2.5 years ago, I would have likely agreed with being an expert, I worked a total of 10 years in a psych residential facility for at risk youth. In that specialty field, I did consider myself to on an expert level. Since moving back to the medical aspect of nursing little over 2 years ago, I feel I am back to a proficient stage in this area of specialty.…