Canada’s drug plan and involves any strategy or behaviour that individuals use to reduce the potential harm that may exist. Harm-reduction lifts the stigma that prevents many individuals from seeking treatment. Csiernik asserts that harm-reduction interventions are facilitative rather than coercive and are grounded in the needs of individuals (2011). In determining where individuals are at in treatment, a motivational interviewing approach is a useful technique and tool in assessing the individuals stage of readiness in therapy. Prochaska and DiClemente (1997) identified six specific steps for radical change to occur:
1. Pre-contemplation – no intention of change and unaware of the problem.
2. Contemplations …show more content…
Preparation – Intentions to take action and making small changes toward change.
4. Action – Devoting time and energy toward viable changes, incorporates strategies in managing barriers.
5. Maintenance – working to adapt and adjust to facilitate maintenance of change.
6. Evaluation – assessment and feedback to continue dynamic change process.
The Transtheoretical Model of Change or TMI, represents a realistic representation of the change process, illustrating positive change with setbacks, not as relapses, rather periods when the change process becomes more challenging for the individual. Psychodynamic psychotherapy, also referred to as insight-oriented psychotherapy, is a modified form of psychoanalysis whereby the individual examines what motivates him/her for change. While psychoanalysis is a specific form of therapy, psychodynamic principles can be
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While international and provincial drug policies have shifted to support harm reduction strategies consistent with a public health approach to substance use, historically the medical model leans toward complete abstinence while media perpetuates a stance on the war on drugs approach.
Further work towards harm-reduction may lead to improved access to health and social services and to develop and refine their structures, counselling and trauma-care