Why has the War on Drugs Failed and What Can We do About It??
The American war on drugs has been a problem since it began in the late 19th century. This so called “war” has been an embarrassment and a failure to the American nation. The war on drugs uses an excess of tax dollars, violates state and individual liberties, and is causing a speedy and frightening deterioration of the Constitution …show more content…
In fact there were laws that required towns to grow a certain amount of Hemp based on their population. Hemp does not have any psychotropic properties. Hemp was used because it was strong and durable, it was used in making rope and textiles. In the last years of the 19th century prohibition laws were placed on cocaine, marijuana, and opium. These were some of the first ordinances, and they were all state and local. (McVay, 2007) The federal government had no jurisdiction over illicit substances. These first laws were racist; they were to prevent perceived threats to white women by black, Mexican, and Chinese men drug users. From that point on the prohibition expanded; The Food and Drug act of 1906 required that all medications be labeled with the content, strength and the federal purity standards had to be met. Acts such as these, along with education efforts, allowed drug use to be reduced by a significant amount.(Otto, 1995) Drugs were a common part of everyday life; they were not looked down upon like they are now. You could find them easily in convenience stores. Cocaine could be found in one of the world’s most popular drinks Coca …show more content…
The chaos of the black market is the biggest failure of the war on drugs. The black market takes in tons of revenue every year. If we were to legalize all drugs that would create revenue for the country. "Approximately $8.7 billion of the savings would result from legalization of marijuana." (Miron/Waldock, 2010) The laws that have been instituted against drugs and their use have posed an immediate danger to society. More of our police are dedicated to finding drug dealers than murderers. Drug use has been glorified and gang violence has erupted, not only endangering the gang members but the innocent people that surround them. If so many resources have been dedicated to and why do drugs continue to