In the article, “The Power of 420,” researcher Karen B. Halnon explains the use of marijuana encourages positive social connections between other marijuana users, referred to as “collective consciousness.” Although the term “420” has different meaning to people, the study explains how the term can connect different people while smoking marijuana together. Similar to the bond created within the rave culture. Researchers Philip R. Kavanaugh and Tammy L. Anderson explained in the article “Solidarity and Drug Use in the Electronic Dance Music Scene” that the “corresponding feelings of connectedness and spirituality are the result of collective participation in these rituals, not simply the drug use.” After years of conditioning that drugs destroys and takes lives, it is hard to believe that there has been positive things created within the subcultures of drug …show more content…
It can be a solution to many of the problems our society faces with drug addiction. We can remove the different drugs that have additives and other harmful chemicals that dealers do not warn buyers about. Our government can regulate the drugs, just as they do with prescription drugs, which will hopefully decrease the overdose death rates within drug use. Decriminalization will also help decrease prison population since drug addicts will no longer be criminalized for using drugs in our streets. It also solves the HIV risk factors within the drug users when contaminated needles are shared among other users. Perhaps the legalization of marijuana in some states may be the beginning of the possibilities of future policy changes for other drugs that have been deemed to be harmful in our