Tommy is the founder of clowning and he tells the story of using dance as an outlet, to break away from the violence surrounding him. In the video, Tommy is referred to as a father figure to kids and young adults in the community. Tommy refers to his young group of dancers as “clown dancers”. He disciplines them as a father would, and if they mess up, they cannot “clown.” There are several scenes that show Tommy with the groups of children and young adults. It is reiterated several times throughout the film, that if these kids were not into this “clowning,” they would be in gangs, or worse. Thus, showing the profound influence of Tommy and dance on their lives. As a whole, the scenes of these kids dancing demonstrates the passion and drive they have towards “clowning”. The documentary depicts several scenes of the “clown dancers” in
Tommy is the founder of clowning and he tells the story of using dance as an outlet, to break away from the violence surrounding him. In the video, Tommy is referred to as a father figure to kids and young adults in the community. Tommy refers to his young group of dancers as “clown dancers”. He disciplines them as a father would, and if they mess up, they cannot “clown.” There are several scenes that show Tommy with the groups of children and young adults. It is reiterated several times throughout the film, that if these kids were not into this “clowning,” they would be in gangs, or worse. Thus, showing the profound influence of Tommy and dance on their lives. As a whole, the scenes of these kids dancing demonstrates the passion and drive they have towards “clowning”. The documentary depicts several scenes of the “clown dancers” in