Meaghan Winter started off her article by sharing a personal experience a mother had at a healthcare facility. Winter said that she had “found herself unexpectedly pregnant, she drove straight to what she thought was a comprehensive health care provider… she asked about abortion, the staff told her she shouldn’t murder her child” (Winter). By providing a personal experience, the author is able to connection with some of her readers who’ve had a similar experience. A personal experience allows the author to form a bond with her readers and allows the readers to understand what the author went through. Establishing a connect between the author and the reader is an important part of …show more content…
She uses phrases and words like “abortion foes”, “dire implications”, and “forcing them to carry unwanted babies” to show how the people, mainly the state governments and religious nonprofit organizations, are making the situation of low income mothers, who want to get an abortion, harder than they already are. The use of the words “dire” and “forcing” show just how terrible these outcomes truly are. Instead of using words like ‘bad’ and ‘leading’, which tend to have a softer feel to them, she uses strong words to really emphasize her point, and the problem that these women