Man is meant to work to satisfy his own needs, however now this work has been distorted and used for external gains outside the worker. This taints the process of labor which is a part of man’s nature, therefore estranging man from nature. In addition, Marx argues that man’s physical and spiritual life is intrinsically linked to nature, as man is a part of nature. Therefore, the estrangement of the worker to nature is in essence the estrangement of man to himself. This is because the worker is estranged from the functions that make him man, as they are distorted for capitalist gains. In this manner, man is estranged from his species as a whole and how his species was intended to function. In summary, Marx outlines four types of alienation that compose estranged labor: the first being the alienation of man from the product of his work, the second being the alienation of the worker from the activity of production, the third being the alienation of the worker from his own species, and the fourth being the alienation of the worker to other
Man is meant to work to satisfy his own needs, however now this work has been distorted and used for external gains outside the worker. This taints the process of labor which is a part of man’s nature, therefore estranging man from nature. In addition, Marx argues that man’s physical and spiritual life is intrinsically linked to nature, as man is a part of nature. Therefore, the estrangement of the worker to nature is in essence the estrangement of man to himself. This is because the worker is estranged from the functions that make him man, as they are distorted for capitalist gains. In this manner, man is estranged from his species as a whole and how his species was intended to function. In summary, Marx outlines four types of alienation that compose estranged labor: the first being the alienation of man from the product of his work, the second being the alienation of the worker from the activity of production, the third being the alienation of the worker from his own species, and the fourth being the alienation of the worker to other