Philosophy Of Karl Marx And Marxism

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The teachings of Karl Marx and Marxism has always been my favorite theoretical perspective because it has been misunderstood over time. One of the best things about Marxism is that it stressed the importance of social equality and the issues that the system of capitalism created in society. Marx argued that capitalism was hindrance to freedom because only those who have money can really enjoy freedom. The Marxist theory in the simplest perspective is that “Marxism emphasizes the idea that social life is based upon "conflicts of interest". The most fundamental and important of these conflicts is that between the Bourgeoisie (those who own and control the means of production in society) and the Proletariat (those who simply sell their labor power in the market place of Capitalism)”. (Theories, 2009)
One of the reasons that the philosophy of Karl Marx and Marxism is so misunderstood is the connection that society makes to
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We can see much of this theory at work in today’s current economic conditions with staggering wages, systemic unemployment and millions of individuals working fulltime jobs living well below the poverty line. While some workers have went on strike to protest these deplorable wages because the goal of capitalism is to pay workers as little as possible, the lack of unions has caused other workers to choose not to upset the status quo out of fear of losing their jobs although they notice the unfair treatment of workers as well. This is extremely troubling because with so many workers being extremely underpaid on the other side of the spectrum stakeholders, CEOs and stockholders rake in the majority of the profits. In addition large corporations receive government subsidies to sustain business while many of the workers that they under pay are demonized by society for accepting government programs that assist needy

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