The brains of adolescents are still maturing and lack decision-making abilities, thought processing and the ability to understand the consequences of their actions.…
A senior associate editor of health section at The Atlantic, Julie Beck, in her article “Digital Romance: The Teens Get It” (1 October 2015) remarks the statistics revealing the popular use of technology by teenagers that she finds is underrated since technology is another medium for social connection that all humans naturally…
Age doesn't define whether or not you've become an adult it's the maturity that defines whether you have reached the certain point in your life where you are capable of knowing the difference between right and wrong. Sooner or later, but some happen to do so quicker. When a person turns eighteen you have the opportunity to do certain things, such as no longer having a curfew, being able to purchase alcohol ,and also voting rights, meaning that you are completely responsible for the actions you take. Looking at different cases where adolescents have committed a crime they knew that they weren't going to get punished like adults, even though they knew what they were doing was wrong. Adolescents commit crimes as if they were adults, and aren't…
Teenagers also tend to learn from their mistakes instead of learning from mistakes of others, because they can think…
First, Let Teenagers Have a Fair Shot at Adolescence Across the hypercritical and interconnected global society that exists today, a multitude of notions and opinions constantly stream from every source imaginable; however, Leon Botstein’s analysis of education in America stands out among the most profound. Bluntly writing in a piece entitled Let Teenagers Try Adulthood, Botstein proposes, “the American high school is obsolete and should be abolished” (153). This provocative nature of Botstein’s writing leads to polarized views of the education system that could ultimately result in alienation of individuals or groups with more moderate views. That is not to say Botstein lacks valid points.…
In “The Teen Brain: Still Under Construction,” by the National Institute of Mental Health, it is inferred that the author believes the teen brain is unique from adults; therefore, adolescent brains think and act differently. Moreover, the passage conveys, “… adolescence brings with it brain-based changes in the regulation of sleep that may contribute to teens’ tendency to stay up late at night” (National Institute of Mental Health). The article also explains, “… inadequate sleep is a powerful contributor to irritability and depression” (National Institute of Mental Health). The inference presumed is that the author believes a lack of sleep from the brain-based changes in adolescence can cause mental health issues. This can be concluded because…
The brains not ready to face all of the inevitable challenges. While the teenage brain is still under construction a teenage can learn to be less impulsive and make better decisions. Parents need to know…
The complex teenager brain In the non-fiction article “Startling Finds on Teenage Brains” Paul Thompson argues that In the last years the teenagers are the main criminals grabbing shootings in schools are also designs that are danger to students. Thompson writes “Over the last several years, as school shootings have seemed to occur with disturbing frequency, startling discoveries have emerged about the teenage brain” (Thompson) This example is right because some teenagers have made them some tests to know what goes through their minds when they commit a crime and also what cause the teenegers to commit that crime. Thompson provides the reader with logical evidence because his main purpose is to evaluate the incident through claim of policy,…
Leon Botskein addresses a controversial topic in his essay, “Let Teenagers Try Adulthood,” where he discussed why high schools as we known it should be abolished. In his essay he introduces his chief issues with American high schools. He says, “the primary reason high school doesn’t work anymore, if it ever did, is that young people mature substantially earlier in the late 20th century that they did when the high school was invented,” (Botskein). In his essay he established his belief in what the chief issues that need to be addressed in order to improve American high schools.…
Firstly, children’s brains are too underdeveloped to make complex decisions. Rachel Tompa in her article titled: “MRI studies of teenage brain …” explains, “Specifically, a teen's prefrontal cortex –…
Minority disagrees and for good reason. Teenagers and younger are influenced by many factors: friends, media, peer pressure. All these things cause kids to act irrationally and quickly without thinking of the consequences of these actions. Many want to blame these actions on their lack of brain development. Paul Thompson writes in his article that youths have a “diminished capacity for controlling erratic behavior [due to] massive loss of brain tissue [which causes inability to] control impulses and self-control” (Startling).…
First of all, teens brains are not fully developed which contribute to teenagers decision…
Chapter 3 discusses the “Myth of Adolescence” reminding us that the term “teenager”. The term “adolescence” literally means “to grow up.” Our current culture is unfortunately over defined by the existence of teenagers and adolescence. They make the case that expectations can be powerful in one’s life, for good or for detriment, and they make the case that in the Bible, there is no category for “teenager” or “adolescent.” An elephant is an incredibly powerful beast that can be restrained by a piece of twine.…
Studies have shown that teens in fact lack brain tissue in their teenage years. A neurologist Francis Jensen, found research that teen brains “a crucial part of the brain –the frontal lobes– are not fully connected yet” (Knox). He says that it is the part of the brain that asks the question ‘Is this a good idea?’ It is not like the teenagers do not have frontal lobes, they are just going to acces it more slowly.…
In an article titled “What’s Holding Back American Teenagers?” by author Laurence Steinberg, the claim is made that, “Our high schools are a disaster.” Steinberg begins by mentioning education policies which had recently come to the attention of Obama during his term as president. This involved two issues, the first being early-childhood education and the second being college accessibility; however, Steinberg’s article preferred to focus on a third issue: American high schools. Throughout the article, he continually reflected on research from organizations such as OECD, The National Assessment of Educational Progress, and The National Center for Education Statistics.…