Summary Of Find Me Unafraid

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Find Me Unafraid: Love, Loss and Hope in an African Slum is a story of two young adults from two very different places. Kennedy Odede grew up in Kibera, one of Africa’s largest slums and Jessica Posner grew up in Denver, Colorado. These two could not have grown up in more different places. Jessica had a relatively normal American childhood, going to school and playing with friends, while Kennedy had an abusive father and was always struggling to find food for him and his family. But one day Kennedy decided he needed to change his community for the better, so he bought a soccer ball and started a community team. This grew into the organization known as SHOFCO (Shining Hope for Communities). SHOFCO eventually turned into an organization that helped with sanitation and put together a theater group that brought awareness to violence in Kibera. It grew even further after Kennedy met Jessica Posner while she was studying abroad. Jessica helped Kennedy go to college and together they expanded SHOFCO into a school for girls, a community center and even a health clinic in the middle of the slum. Their story is one truly with love, loss …show more content…
The authors talked a lot about the organization and how they built so much from the ground up, but if they wanted their readers to help in any way they did not give much direction for it. Because of this the purpose behind the story was hard to understand. Were they trying to get their story and SHOFCO out to the public or possibly entertain their readers with their story? That was never made completely clear in the book. They did offer some websites at the end of the book where you can donate to the organization, but they do not urge you to and putting it at the back of the book does not make it seem like they wanted it to be a priority. Overall the purpose was unclear which did not make this book very

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