Analysis Of As A Man Thinketh By James Allen

Superior Essays
In his book As a Man Thinketh, James Allen has a running theme which is the power of the mind. To start off his book, Allen discusses the power of the mind to shape one’s thoughts, character, circumstances, health, and one’s purpose in life. Then Allen transitions into discussing how one should strive for achievement; how one should chase after his own visions and dreams; and at last how one should strive for a calm mind. I will be discussing all of this and I shall relate Allen’s ideas to my own life experience and my internship at Grand Lake Mental Health Intensive Out-Patient Center in Vinita, Oklahoma.
In the first section of As a Man Thinketh, Allen discusses how a man is what he thinks. According to Allen, “Each of us is literally what we think, our character being the complete sum
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Allen states that, “The more tranquil we become, the greater is our success, our influence, and our power for good . . . calm people are always loved and revered” (Allen, 2008, p. 44) Yet again I can agree with this to an extent. The patients that are calm while housed in the Intensive Out-Patient Clinic are greatly appreciated. Nevertheless, no one can stay calm and collected through every occasion, which Allen does not address. I feel that throughout his entire book Allen views life through an optimistic glass while refusing to acknowledge the fact that negative events happen to everyone.
In conclusion, I was able to apply most of the ideas presented in James Allen’s book, As a Man Thinketh. In spite of the fact that I was not able to whole heartedly agree with every facet of Allen’s work, I was able to recognize that Allen had some correct views. I wish that Allen would have identified that one does not have total control over what happens, as well as identifying that negative events happen even if one has done nothing to deserve them. Nonetheless, Allen’s book is enlightening if a bit

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