Structural Privilege Advantages

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A) Advantages and structural privilege are two different terms that describe the way for a person to able keep up with the progress to reach what you desire in the situation. Mere advantages are weak sense of earned progress toward your goal; for example, you got a perk of having a free coffee because simply the only reason is that being a good friend with the barista. Earned advantages are used in the strong sense of earned progress toward your goal; you decline to go to a party with your group of friends so you could finish your homework and in end, you got reward by getting a good grade in the class. Structural privilege, on other hand, is different from mere advantage. You may have unearned privilege, basis on your gender, class status and race …show more content…
A way to see the white privilege as a mere advantage, white received an opportunity to navigate the world without having to deal with consequences. In the same manner with the white males can shop peacefully without having security harassing you or stalking on you to ensure that you would not go to steal anything, despising the fact, that you are the middle-class black female who is a teacher, having enough of money to feed your family. It is a privilege to be a white person because the society had established long ago that present itself any class status black males as in the negative spotlight by showing how they are not to be trusted because they are liars and thieves and target favoritism toward white male who is from middle class, resulting the white male appear more trustworthy compared than to black male who is from middle class as also. White males also make effort to dehumanize anyone who is not white as not showing how horrible they had been treating the minority people by not acknowledging as they made effort to whitewash the history as great deed to happen in their

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