Strength, Pride, And Courage In Homer's The Iliad

Superior Essays
Often in antiquity, many Greek authors used their writing to convey certain messages or teachings that they would want their readers to know. It wasn’t uncommon for them to use emotional and physical characteristics of characters to convey either a metaphorical or a literal teaching in their story. In the Iliad, Homer uses the characteristics strength, pride, and courage to teach many lessons on certain values that has changed and improved my life.
In the novel, Homer uses prominent individuals to show that even the strongest falls. First, Homer portrays the characters as fearsome and untouchable then surprises the reader by showing their venerability. Zeus is the first character to be an example of this. No god can oppose Zeus. Even if
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However, Achilles brings down Hector to where he is seen pleading to Achilles not to “let the dogs devour [him] by the Argive ships” (Fagles 552). As shown, Hector starts out as a glorified hunter feared by the Achaeans to pleading to Achilles at the end of his death. Understanding the message that even the strongest falls has definitely changed my life. This message has help me in life to be very cautious of becoming too trusting or dependent on someone else because they are prone to fall, just like everyone else, no matter how strong one is physically or intellectually. I can use this value to promote independence. In order to be independent, I must first develop the critical thinking skill that will enable me to have self-autonomy. In other words, knowing that even the strongest falls will give me the motivation to develop my critical thinking skills to be self sustaining so that I would not have to depend on others.
Another lesson that is found in the Iliad is the fact that prideful attitudes can lead to devastating results. There is no better example of this than Achilles. Achilles takes his pride too far when he refuses to be affected by the suffering of his comrades. Achilles swears that “[Agamemnon] will never win him over”(Fagles 263). He is too engulfed
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However, if one were to look deeper, one would see that Homer is actually trying to teach a life lesson on many topics that one can use to improve his or her life. The Iliad is a great book to teach life lessons using critical thinking skills. It has helped me to improve as well as change my life for the better. The insight and brilliance that Homer gives will always be admired and should be used for the education of future

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