Stereotypes Of Millennial Generation Soldiers

Superior Essays
There are many challenges we as leaders face when leading Soldiers in the U.S. Army. Currently there are several challenges when it comes to the new generation of Soldier. Who are the Millennials, what are they good at, what are their setbacks, will they become great leaders or poor leaders in the Army, and how can we lead them to success in the Army? The Millennial Generation Soldiers have many insightful qualities, but their social background and immediate stereotype makes it a challenge for today’s leaders to instill the qualities and attributes needed of a quality leader. Many different times frames describe who the Millennials actually are; most frequently, we describe them as the generation that was born between the years of 1987 and 2004. The major life event that determines who millennials are was the attack on September 11 2001. This generation has developed a stereotype of people who are entitled, crybabies, introverted, lazy, and not mechanically inclined. When it comes to these stereotypes, it is hard for us as leaders in the United States Army to look past the negative qualities of this generation. Gather a group of Non Commissioned Officers and Senior Non Commissioned Officers in a room and ask them “what’s the first thing that comes …show more content…
Why do I say that? It is very simple. This new generation has the knowledge needed to make drastic changes that come with a society built on technology. They care about the world around them. They are deeply rooted in the decision making process that affects government and policies. They look towards the future to determine what to accomplish in the present to ensure a future of sustainment and growth. They are more accepting of people from different backgrounds and cultures. This quality allows them to break down the walls of racism, look past the color of skin, and accept everyone as an

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