Why do I say that? It is very simple. This new generation has the knowledge needed to make drastic changes that come with a society built on technology. They care about the world around them. They are deeply rooted in the decision making process that affects government and policies. They look towards the future to determine what to accomplish in the present to ensure a future of sustainment and growth. They are more accepting of people from different backgrounds and cultures. This quality allows them to break down the walls of racism, look past the color of skin, and accept everyone as an
Why do I say that? It is very simple. This new generation has the knowledge needed to make drastic changes that come with a society built on technology. They care about the world around them. They are deeply rooted in the decision making process that affects government and policies. They look towards the future to determine what to accomplish in the present to ensure a future of sustainment and growth. They are more accepting of people from different backgrounds and cultures. This quality allows them to break down the walls of racism, look past the color of skin, and accept everyone as an