Staying Put By Scott Russell Sanders Analysis

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“Staying Put” is an article written by Scott Russell Sanders in which he attempts to convince the readers that people can thrive in their homeland instead of moving. Sanders begins his argument with an anecdote of the Miller family, then he states the social and philosophical benefits of staying put. As Sanders have suggested, a person becomes admirable when they devote themselves to their homeland regardless of hardships they will encounter. Moreover, he also claims that people must have a homeland of their own before having the ability to appreciate other cultures. Despite all the benefits that Sanders brings up for staying put; many people are better off moving due to of various social, ideological and environmental issues.
While Gracy
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As a matter of fact, a person without strong nationalist beliefs will “wander the world like a sightseer”(Sanders 144). However, there are no downsides to be a ‘sightseer’; in fact“not all those who wander are lost” (Tolkien 50).In reality, a sightseer would be able to appreciate a culture and compare it against other cultures that have seen prior. Sander’s argument made it clear that he values groundedness over exploration and discovery. However, to many young people with their lives just starting, given up the chance to explore and ‘wander.’ and stay grounded, which can reduce their worldly knowledge and be shackled to the lifeless ground. There is no downside to being a sightseer. On the contrary, if a person was to stay in one geographical location their whole life only exposed to a single culture and see the rest of the world through the HD display on their television they would never truly be in touch with the rest of the …show more content…
According to Maslow's hierarchy, before any human being can achieve their maximum potential, they must first be physically safe. Thus, leaving an area of environmental disaster/environmental injustice will often bring more long-term benefit as opposed to staying put. Sanders starts his argument with an anecdote of the Miller family, who had experienced three tornadoes and rebuilt their house where it was destroyed. They are fortunate that, their insurance was able to provide them with the necessary funds to live, but not everyone as privileged as the Millers. Many groups, especially the economically disadvantaged suffer from the human-made environmental disaster. For instance, the water in 2014 the drinking water in Flint, Michigan was contaminated by lead, and consequently, many residents suffer from health issues. Unlike the Millers, not every family is able to afford insurance to aid their survival. While many people value environmental justice and want to fight for their community, a person must first be physically safe before having the ability to fight for their homes. In the face of environmental disaster, it is better to move safety rather than stay

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