These actions involve change and expansion. The great American expansion, Manifest Destiny was the movement of the East coast dwellers migrating west in search for gold and settlement rather than staying put in the 13 original colonies. These people were pioneers seeking out to farm and produce. The very first Americans looking for change were farmers. Today, these rooted farmers settled and conserve all their efforts towards the very sole purpose of farming within their proximity. Even Sanders’s protagonists in “Staying Put” were once wanderers and explorers. A whole new world of differences and opportunities is accessible by stepping out your comfort zone and through …show more content…
When given the opportunity of immigration, the Vietnamese people grasped their chance and head for the coast. The great weather, fishing industry, and masses of farmland provided them a sense of home away from home. With California home to majority of the Vietnamese American population in the united states, it is no doubt that they come to the right place for commerce and opportunities. On rare occasions do you see a community of Vietnamese Americans in Kansas or Nebraska. It all depends on the preference of who, how, and where you best thrive at. Still today many of those in Vietnam are trying to apply for a sponsorship to immigrate to the united states. Through hardship or other reasons breaking away from the norm of what we know is the change and growth that everyone should