Attending college is something everyone should consider. However, college is not for everyone. Some individuals should look into learning a trade such as become an electrician or a pipefitter. Attaining a college degree or learning a trade will give one opportunities to get a job with a decent salary which in turn will help one achieve financial stability. There are no guarantees in life.…
To tell you the truth I think going to college is really up to us. I am pretty sure everyone wants a good life in their future and I think by going to college it will help them guide themselves to a brighter future. In the article “Actually College Is Very Much Worth It”, paragraph 5 it stated that “College graduates are also more likely to be in jobs with better benefits…” This means that when graduating college can benefit you in your jobs like I have said a few times college guides you to a better future.…
College is worth the cost. College is worth the cost because it you can have a healthy lifestyle. Reserchers say a college graduate is more likely to exsercise regularly. And reduce their chances of getting sick or getting a disease. This you might want to consiter because you dont want to catch the flu or cold.…
“The Social Network”,an American drama film which adapts from Ben Mezrich’s book “ The Accidental Billionaires: The Founding of Facebook, A Tale of Sex, Money, Genius, and Betrayal”,tells us how a college student creates a social network website called Facebook. It is not just a plot of genius, but a true story of opportunities,perception,idea and friendship involved in the website’s creation in a college. Also, it is not just a film about an own business creating base on a genius who drop out of the college,but a real phenomenon exists among students who graduate from the college, facing problem of being unemployed. Today many students graduated from college are in debt and the worse thing is that they probably can not find a job. For those are unemployed or those can not find a dream job, some of them decide to create their own job, using resources from what they learned and what they got in the college, to be their own boss.…
Today, all high schools prepare their students to achieve one major goal: to attend college so they can have a successful life. There are reasons why people should attend college, but college is not worth all your time and effort. College isn’t worth it because there are other jobs that pay emplo yees well without a college degree, there are better options for education, and it’s too expensive. College isn’t worth it because there are other careers that offer the same or higher salary even if you don’t have a college degree.…
College is important and the PewResearchCenter even stated, “86% a good investment” meaning that college a good investestment to most people. College is a very important step in your life, you will obtain more of your goals than those with high school education. With a high school education you would be lucky to get a job with good benefits. But, with a college degree you will obtain greater salaries, you will be more likely to receive promotions, and/or earn raises. PewResearchCenter believes that college is not worth it, but college is worth everything you put into…
“Is college really worth it?” This is the question many students start to ask as the college costs increase and jobs are harder to get. Can you get ahead without college education? Higher education is overpriced, so is the debt really worth it? I believe it really is.…
The chance of an individual getting a great job with a pay raise that is more than minimum wage definitely makes college worth it. Even if you do not want to go to a big college or university where it cost a lot of money to attend you have the option of going to a community college. The responsibilities college teaches individuals will pay off in the end when a person enters the real world. The opportunity and the experience that a person gets out of going off to college is more than rewarding. There are many different options that students have if they do plan to get a college education but feel as…
College is worth it because college graduates have a higher rates of employment. According to iHELP “only 3.8 percent of college graduates are unemployed, whereas 12.2 percent of people with only a high school degree are unemployed. The job market is extremely competitive, and a four-year degree will greatly increase your odds of success.” Going to college will help a lot when it comes…
One of the most controversial topics about college is, whether it is worth the cost. Although some college graduates face unemployment despite their degree as well as the high amount of college debt, many others believe that college is a great investment. College is a major milestone in the future of a student's career. With a college degree, most people attain higher chances of employment; this is shown to have big benefits in many fields.…
Is college really worth the debt, the hard work and the headaches you’ll receive? With jobs getting harder to get into and standards being raised, attending college can be a big advantage when applying for a job or starting a business. With all studies and statistics taken, it can be proven that college can be a big step in someone’s life. Numbers and percentages can speak for themselves there is a great difference between those who have attended college and those who haven’t. Workers with a bachelor degree made 40 percent more than those who just have a diploma from high school but that percentage has increased to 80 percent jobs and businesses nowadays are looking for people who have the motivation to work hard and passion.…
College is a place where students go to choose a career that enhances their future and make each student a vital part of society. It takes a lot of hard work and time but that will be worth it during the future of your life. Some argue that college is a waste of time and very that it is very costly, this is not true. Although the cost of most colleges is very pricey and lots of debt will be following you after your early years of college, nevertheless, it is still a good investment because eventually college graduates will make more money than those with only high school diplomas, which makes paying for debt much faster and less stressful, also college students become more mature, and many students end up saying it was useful in the long run.…
Is College Really Worth It? Yes! some people seem to think college is not worth the money, time and effort but in this essay if you are one of those people hopefully you will change your mind after this essay Here are some facts that might just show college to be worth it, Individuals with a college degree earn an average of $22,000 more per year than those with only a high school diploma.…
College Is Not Worth It College might be worth it for some but not for all. Going to college is a hard decision you have to make. It leads to you to being more independent and making your own decisions. Choosing to go or not to college affects your future and what type of lifestyle you want for yourself.…
College Education Worth the Cost Whether college education is worth the cost being is a heated discussion topic. Some individuals think that college’s tuition fee is too expensive. Most graduates are not able to find a job with their degrees when they are graduated from university. People also think that college education is not worth the money because some students have to pay back in loans after they graduate.…