Start Time In High School

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High school start times may vary depending on one’s location and lifestyle. The National Center for Education Statistics reports that in America, most range from anywhere between 7:00 to 9:30 AM. In San Diego, the average start time is 7:30 AM according to a study conducted by KPBS. These early start times take quite a toll on teens, both mentally and physically. Some extreme results of early start times may include conditions such as obesity and depression. San Diego teens are at a large risk for these conditions and more, as their average start time is very early compared to other cities in California. All high schools should start at 8:30 AM or later, as it would positively impact students in many aspects of their lives.
If all high schools started at 8:30 AM or later, then students would have the opportunity to get more sleep. Although some say that exhaustion is self-inflicted in teens, as they are glued to their phones, it’s actually due to secretion of a hormone called melatonin in teens. The National Sleep Foundation informs that melatonin secretion occurs later in teens, causing them to have trouble falling asleep early. Sleep is a crucial component of human growth and development, therefore it is important than teens
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All high schools should begin at 8:30 AM or later, because several issues regarding student’s grades, health, and development would be solved. A high school diploma is the first step to achieving success in life. There is no true benefit of sending a teen to school if it is harmfully affecting academic, health, and well-being aspects of that student’s life. America needs to work to assure that the education system will be beneficial to students. Our nation has worked so hard for the right to an education, don’t let it be in vain. Delaying start times to 8:30 or later would assure that education will not compromise one’s well-being or

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