Sonia Nazario's The Children Of The Drug Wars: A Refugee Crisis

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The article by Sonia Nazario, “The Children of the Drug Wars; a Refugee Crisis, Not an Immigration Crisis” is the article that caught my attention the most this semester. The passage talks about a different but very similar couple stories about children’s living in very dangerous places in Central America where gangs are one of the biggest problems. Christian’s story, Was one of the stories that caught my attention the most. His story starts when he was 11 years old. His father was killed by gang members and his mother was forced to go to the U.S, leaving Christian behind in Honduras. It is heartbreaking to know that many mothers are being forced to leave their children behind so they can give them a better future and that most of the mothers never make it back, leaving these children to care for themselves. This then forces many children to run away from their country, not because of the poverty but for the high rate of violence. Some children go looking for their mothers while some of them are being forced to work at the early age of 6. They have no chance to live a normal …show more content…
I have learned a lot from all this, things that I didn’t know. People living in difficult situations, situations that I’ve never imagine someone can live in it. Behind all these criminal activities there is an extreme poverty situation. These countries are really poor and I understand that thanks to a documentary that I saw on Netflix named “Living on One Dollar” by four American students who went to Guatemala for 56 days. Living in extreme poverty like the people in the neighborhood where they live for that time, called “Pena Blanca”.
Even though I have never experience any of these scenarios, thanks to this class now I know better and at least understand that I should be more grateful for what I have and to take every opportunity, but more important to always accomplish my

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