Poverty In America In The 1800s

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Poverty World Wide.

In the beginning of the 1800s Most people living in poverty were orphans, widows, or too old or sick to work. The rich and wealthy would give the poor food and supplies called an outdoor relief, this really helped the poor. The towns were required to take care of the poor, so the police would sometimes let them sleep in the stations.

The 2 races that had it the worst were irish, and chinese folk because, Irish had the potato famine, and chinese were targeted by racists and most of the time beat, sometimes even beat to death, but it was harder for them to get jobs because everyone targeted them. Children of poor families would contribute by searching the city dump for supplies.

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After the civil war the South was the poorest, especially white and african-american men in the south. In 1865 and 1866 southern legislatures passed the black codes, former slaves were to continue working as agricultural workers because of the immense poverty.

Poverty is the state of being extremely poor, the people who live like this can’t afford anything except a few fruit to live off of, or a bag of chips and some water to last them the rest of the week. In the U.S alone, just about 45,000,000 people right now are living in poverty. Some people living this way have had to resort to standing on the side of the street with signs, i’ve seen a lot of this.

Over 3 billion people live on less than 2 dollars a day, some only live off of a single dollar, that’s 80 percent of the world’s population starving, freezing, and being dehydrated because they don't have enough money to buy food, clothes, or shoes. They have no access to any good water that won’t get them sick, and about 45% of the 80, are children. About 30,000 adults, and children die everyday because they don't have enough money to buy the stuff they need to
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About 161 million children don’t attend school.

The number of people dying because of poverty worldwide is greater than the population of the United States. 805 million people do not have enough food to eat, due to lack of skills to get a job, or lack of intelligence. Many people living in poverty depend on food banks at local grocery stores, if they have a family they all can be fed but if it’s just one person then they’ll have enough food to eat for a couple days. In 2011 165 million children under the age of 5 got their growth stunted, due to chronic malnutrition.

Preventable diseases like pneumonia, take the lives of about 2 million children who are too poor to afford proper treatment. A quarter of all humans live without electricity approximately 1.6 billion people. As of 2013 21.8 million children did not get the 3 recommended vaccines that defend against, tetanus, diphtheria, and

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