Poverty In America

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In the United States in the year 2014, 46.7 million people were living in poverty (Poverty in the US). Poverty has been a constant problem throughout the United States for the past five decades. Yes, poverty is affected by countless systems, such as minimum wage and immigration, yet the most significant barrier to breaking down systemic poverty is education. If one is incapable to read or do basic math, if people are unable to show up for work and apply themselves, they will not have a job. They will be poor. Then their children will suffer the consequences of their parents not being educated. Which causes the family to live in neighborhoods with poor education systems. Problems such as, teenage pregnancy, children becoming part of gangs and …show more content…
People need to realize that the generalization that poor children cannot be taught is incorrect. The people need to give our city’s children a stable and an exceptional academic, social, behavioral and physical education today. The lower the income a family has the possibility of their child dropping out of high school is increased, “Data suggest that poverty affects increases the likelihood a student will not graduate high school and will miss more days of school than his or her more affluent counterpart” (Counterpart poverty). Graduation rates decline in lower income neighborhoods. The decrease in graduation rates increase the poverty rates because the teenagers who do not graduate are more likely to live on the streets or not be able to sustain a decent job to support …show more content…
If the parents at home have not been fully educated the teenager may not be pushed or expected to finish school. This cycle at home is hard to break when the parents are not willing to push their children to graduate from high school and go to college. Normally the lower income schools are the most crowded. This causes the teachers to focus on the majority of the class and leave behind those who are straggling behind. If the teachers are not engaging the students and there are no resources to do so, due to lack of funding teenagers may lack motivation to be successful. This is not the student’s fault it is the systems. If no one believes in or supports the teenage, it makes it more difficult for them to be motivated and believe in

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