In Trek North, First Lure Is Mexico's Other Line

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Today, whether illegal or legal, immigration is becoming more common in the United States. Many civilians living in developing countries south of the border have motives they are faced with that lure and make them want to enter the United States. As an example, in the “Heartache of an Immigrant Family,” by Sonia Nazario a single mother named Lourdes Pineda, living in Honduras left for the U.S. illegally in hopes of finding stable work to provide for her children with an equivalent amount of food, education, and clothing. As well as Lourdes, “In Trek North, First Lure Is Mexico’s Other Line,” Randal Archibald, again a mother named, Elvira López Hernández traveled to the United States illegally to provide for her four-year-old daughter. Where …show more content…
In both stories, they identify the dangerous and harsh journey, illegal immigrants, trying to get into the U.S. face. "In Trek North, First Lure Is Mexico’s Other Line" tells of the journey of Elvira López Hernández who was incapable of finding work, she knew it was best to travel to the U.S. because there would be more opportunities, but while on top a train “there were cries of Migra!— the immigration police — and a scramble that sent her tumbling under the train” (Archibald, 36). Due to this circumstance, her leg got broken by the train, similarly like a man who had attempted the same mission and lost his leg as well. Correspondingly in “The Heartache of an Immigrant Family, ” a young boy named Enrique undergoes a quest of “122 days and 12,000 miles” (Nazario, 3) to find his mother who had left for America. The outcome of him entering the U.S. illegally was the fate of being held in custody for more than a year and the possible chance of being deported. These are just a few of the menacing encounters immigrants are faced with when entering U.S. if they even are capable of reaching the U.S. at …show more content…
“The Heartache of an Immigrant Family” argues that the “the United States is spending billions on walls that don’t really keep migrants out” (Nazario, 12), showing how the government is not doing anything to support those who need it, but rather are trying to keep them out. “Heartache” argues that if the U.S. aided the people living in violent countries, the number of immigrants coming into the United States would decrease tremendously. The few reasons why people leave their countries are due to drugs/guns, violence, and the lack of jobs to provide for their family, but if the United States boosted their economy, train better soldiers, and supply them with daily life necessities all that could change. On the contrary, “in Trek North” states that many migrants choose to leave their hometowns due to the corrupt government as well as society. According to Archibald in paragraph 17, “The United States has poured money into Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala to train and aid their police, but violence remains disturbingly high, raising vexing questions,” showing how even though the U.S. has tried to help it isn't the best option to build a wall that separates the United States from Mexico. The reasoning behind this is that illegal immigration is increasing in the U.S., causing jobs to be given to them and take from

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