Social Work Practice

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Chapter 3 understanding community in organizational problems. Core competencies in chapter 3 critical thinking, engage, access, intervene and evaluate, professional identity, and research-based practice. Page 73 what is social work practice? "Social work is a profession oriented toward action and change"(p73). Those who choose social work as their career focus on serving as resources for those who are facing problems or lack survival needs. Most social workers deal with change directly with clients working with individuals one-on-one our families or small groups. Small amounts of social workers work with Marco practices levels such as planning, management, and administration of organizations. Intervention within organization or community …show more content…
Social workers do not have power or exposer available as media and leaders. Yet they effectively being a positive change in organizations and communities. The social workers entry into an episode of macro-level change. This chapter focus on understanding the problem/need/opportunity one of the three domains of the social workers involvement in the community and organizational change. This chapter uses the rational planning approach to present macro practice conceptual framework. Based on the study of the current situation and careful development prescribed plan for change that leads to established outcomes. Rational planning has a type of literary presentation "reverse order planning" to the plan,step by step until established goal is made. "Reverse order planning" is establishing a goal than working backwards to track the actions that need to occur to arrive to the goal. Another approach to community and organizational "forward-sequence planning" asking where to start explaining planning processes and emergent approaches. Rational change is preferred by finders and …show more content…
For change to take place there must time an individual or small group that sees there is a need did change and is ready to take action. This core group will make decisions about collaborating and share responsibility. Skills are needed in areas of research of professional knowledge, quantitative and qualitative data collecting, interviewing those of affected population, and making informed analysis based on findings. "Doing one's homework" is taking disciplined, methodical approach to understanding the problem, population, area, and political context. Exploring the professional knowledge base. When exploring the professional knowledge base means to get the latest research, case examples,essays, and other resources available online in professional journals. Articles in social work journals are helpful in direction. Workers must be cautious because not all online resources are reliable. Narrowing down to the most useful data and information. One project team explores the professional knowledge base and the others gather information from interviewing organizations or community that is focusing change effort. Their main mission to understand as much as possible about the entire problem/need/opportunity using information gained used to help causal factors or other possibilities. During this study thee overlapping areas of problem and population maybe found. Those involved in the change effort will move towards understanding the

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