The hypothesis that may or may not be proven is: Does a higher age lead to more polite and relaxed social behaviour? The independent variable is the individual’s age (demographics). The dependent variable is how the individual’s mannerisms in various social situations.
2. Provide a rich description of each setting. Identify the location of your observations, the duration of your observations, what you saw, how many individuals were observed. (All subjects were Caucasian) The first location was a park in Mississauga, Ontario – commonly known as Jack Darling Park. It was a bright, sunny day and the climate was very comfortable. There were tall, lush …show more content…
I’ve been to this particular park multiple times, back when I used to live in Mississauga around a decade ago. The largest trend I’ve seen after consistently coming back to the area is the amount of cultures that are spread out around the park. There are many differing races; Caucasian, Asian, Middle-Eastern and others enjoy their time there– bringing loads of ethnic diversity to the location. Age demographics are also quite large in range including infants and toddlers all the way to the elderly. I would say I spent around 30 minutes at Jack Darling Park. I wanted to make sure I evaluated both sets of age groups in two distinct situations; one where they subjects do whatever they please (leisure activities) and the other observing the subjects doing a specific task. I decided to sit on one of the benches placed around the park; surrounded by healthy, green grass and towering trees. On my left were a Caucasian family, consisting of a husband and wife as well as two kids; one around my age, probably one or two years younger, as well as a toddler – probably around two years old. On my right was another family of four with no kids. There was two men and two women – one set being elderly, assumedly somewhere in their mid-late 70’s, while the other two were middle-aged adults, ranging from mid-30’s to …show more content…
As for the first setting, both families seemed happy and were enjoying their time at the park. The husband was playing soccer with the older son while the wife was blowing bubbles with the toddler – she seemed to bring an assortment of activities for the small child. As for the other family, they were much more laid back. They were relaxing on a blanket as they talked about various topics. I wasn’t close enough to extract anything of what they were saying – but they appeared to be having a pleasurable time. Both sets of families seemed quite social, but you could definitely tell that the family on my left was more energetic – toddlers are quite the handful. I got this vibe of “been there, done that” from the older family, like they’ve already had kids and is just enjoying being together with nothing really to worry about. It was much more of a peaceful time for that family compared to the spunk on the other side of my view. As for the surroundings, the kids needed to be occupied by something tangible – particularly the toddler. She seemed to get rowdy and fidgety when she wasn’t shown any attention. I was quite surprised to see the teenager not pull out his phone for while I was there; I did only stay for 30 minutes though. As for the other family, they weren’t distracted by things