Social Media And Policing: A Case Study

Decent Essays
List Topic Here: Social media, public perceptions, and law enforcement
Hypothesis: Social media is associated with public perceptions of law enforcement
Bain, A., Robinson, B. K., & Conser, J. (2014). Perceptions of policing: improving communication in local communities. International Journal Of Police Science & Management,
16(4), 267-276. doi:10.1350/ijps.2014.16.4.345
Bain, Robinson, and Conser suggest that the role of public perception and social media go hand in hand when it comes to the communications between the public and policing. They focus on the changing demographics among the younger age groups engaging in at risk behavior. This article concurs with my hypothesis in that social media has an association with public
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Safer Communities, Vol. 2, pgs. 64-70. doi:10.1108/17578041311315030
Ruddell and Jones research the distinguishing components of respondents and the social media pages of policing. The researchers go into how useful these outlets (twitter, facebook) can be not only to the younger generations but also how these same outlets transfer over the the older generations. Focusing on how unreliable crime statistics and the fifth amendment all effect how generations view policing. This study was one of the very first to examine social media recipients and their perceptions of how useful these social media communications are in terms of law enforcement. This article contradicts my hypothesis in that social media does have an association with public perceptions of law enforcement.
Spizman, R. J., & Miller, M. K. (2013). Plugged-in policing: student perceptions of law enforcement use of social media. Applied Psychology In Criminal Justice, 9(2), 100-123.
Spizman and Miller suggests that social media themes such as race, gender, and privacy expectations are related to forums such as open-ended responses which target public (mainly students) and private domains. This article concurs with my hypothesis in that social media
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And how this is a slippery reality with lines that can be blurred within the concepts of what is true and untrue. This article agrees with my hypothesis in that social media does have an association with public perceptions of law enforcement.
Lemmer, T. J. (2015). It's high noon for american policing. Law Enforcement Executive Forum,
15(4), 13-21.
Lemmer argues that public perception of how the media negatively covers encounters across the country. How a distorted narrative of national media utilizes Americans as a center to create their own reality. Lemmer also states how the broken bond between community and law enforcement coincide to this open problem. This article agrees with my hypothesis in that social media does have an association with public perceptions of law enforcement.
Bassiouni, M. C. (1981). Terrorism, law enforcement, and the mass media: perspectives, problems, proposals. Journal Of Criminal Law & Criminology, 72(1), 1-51.
Bassiouni argues how media coverage of terrorism and other outlets (social media such as facebook) influence not only law enforcement but also how the public perceive them. The author show how media targets certain events and portrays them fueling the viewing public the

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