Creative Piece: To Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee

Great Essays
Creative Piece ~ To Kill A Mockingbird

~ Additional Chapter ~

After the tragic case that struck Maycomb – misery was spread, people became less social, and less talkative. Maycomb was built over a dominion tradition that would last for generations. There was a social tension between whoever favors colors over justice, people became furious about their segregation. the public started to understand Atticus’s point and how Maycomb needs a new era of peace and justice. As long as the Ewells and whoever back them up are alive, this tragic style of life will remain. The question is who can challenge these particular groups? A woman or Atticus himself?

Part one:

Rain drops heavily, clouds are gathering, winds are blowing. The first night
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It’s nothing, I 'm having a natural feeling of being uncomfortable.”

Olenna hugged her daughter and said:

“Oh my sweet little girl, everything will be fine.”

Visenya was showing a homesick impression, but she knows that her journey is about to start in this town.

Part two:

Visenya wanted to know her neighbors and she had notions of making new friends and having a proper life. Therefore, she was walking on the sidewalk next to the Finch’s. Jem and his sister scout were playing in the backyard; their noise was notable. Jem noticed Visenya walking beside his house and he approached to her, he was a bit fascinated with her unusual beauty. A girl with a rare purple eyes and a white silver hair.

Jim shouted from the backyard:


Visenya looked at him with a smile on her face, she walked through the fence and reached the backyard:

“Hi there…”

Scout asked her a furiously:

“Are you from this Town?”

Visenya replied with an Irish accent:

“Aye, I’ve moved recently”

Jem began asking Visenya:

“Your accent seems a bit British, are you from there?”


“No little lad, I’m from Northern Ireland”

Scout responded rudely:

“How come your eyes are
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We were banned from certain jobs, hobbies, and our lifestyle was determined. I was disgusted from their behavior towards us. I always been telling mother that Women’s in general are an important aspect for a developing society. There is no such difference between ladies and men.

Mrs. Dubose responded desperately:

“This how the world works darling. You think that we are allowed to become such lawyers or any manly job? We have our traditions. That came from our fathers. There is no such equality girl, learn and get used to it!”

The silence crossed through the living room. Visenya was tormented. She thought that there is no hope of Women’s becoming something. It seems her ambitions are devastated. Meanwhile, the tea party that had joy and grumpiness was over, Olenna and her daughter went home, though Visenya remained silent on her way returning home.

Part Four:

The following morning, Visenya mysteriously went by herself to the Finch’s. Jem and scout were overly excited for meeting Visenya again. Visenya was honored to meet Atticus Finch. Thus, they had a remarkable conversation.


“My children and Calpurnia were admiring you Visenya. They told me about your recent migration to Maycomb. I hope you’re doing

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