To Kill A Mockingbird Irony Analysis

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“To Kill A Mockingbird” is a novel written by Harper Lee and is one the most well known american novels in the world. The story is written in perspective of a young girl named Scout who throughout the story loses her innocence as she sees the reality of the world. Scout lives in a small town called Maycomb. Maycomb is flawed in several ways and to distinguish some of these flaws Harper Lee uses irony. Some of these flaws include education, racism and social classes.

Harper Lee uses irony to criticize Maycomb’s education . When Scout starts school she already knows how to read. Although Scout knows is already advanced in reading her teacher Miss Caroline finds out she says, ““Now tell your father not to teach you any more. It’s best
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In class Miss Caroline talks about America being a democracy. She tells the class that, “"That's the difference between America and Germany. We are a democracy and Germany is a dictatorship. Dictator-ship,". She continues on to say that, “"Over here we don't believe in persecuting anybody. Persecution comes from people who are prejudiced. Pre-ju-dice,". This is ironic because just before that an innocent black man was convicted for rape and it was completely out of prejudice. This shows the ignorance of the people in Maycomb. They say that they are not prejudice, but in maycomb racism is clear as day take Mr. Ewell as an example.

Lastly, one other aspect of Maycomb is their political views is criticized by the use of irony. Maycomb as well as the rest of America pride themselves in being democratic and treating having justice. This is ironic because when Jem asks, “why don’t people like us and Miss Maudie ever sit on juries?” Atticus replies by saying “There are lots of reasons. For one thing, Miss Maudie can’t serve on a jury because she’s a woman. In the place where people are supposed to be treated equally without prejudice women are not allowed to be lawyers to protect the justice that is held with much

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