Exact numbers of snow leopards in the wild have not been exactly determined because of the shy nature of the snow leopards. Snow leopards can be found around altitudes between nine thousand eight hundred and seventeen thousand feet in the high and rugged mountains of Central Asia. Snow leopards have evolved in many different way to be able to live in some of the harshest conditions that can be found on Earth. The snow leopards scale the great, extremely steep slopes of the mountains in Central Asia with complete ease, and they can blend into the landscape. But these beautiful and majestic, endangered cats face many threats including habitat loss from climate change, reduced prey, poaching, and retaliatory
Exact numbers of snow leopards in the wild have not been exactly determined because of the shy nature of the snow leopards. Snow leopards can be found around altitudes between nine thousand eight hundred and seventeen thousand feet in the high and rugged mountains of Central Asia. Snow leopards have evolved in many different way to be able to live in some of the harshest conditions that can be found on Earth. The snow leopards scale the great, extremely steep slopes of the mountains in Central Asia with complete ease, and they can blend into the landscape. But these beautiful and majestic, endangered cats face many threats including habitat loss from climate change, reduced prey, poaching, and retaliatory