The participation to prevent crime from happening or simple as crime prevention can achieved in two ways: by changing the nature of the offenders or decreasing his or her opportunities. Go back in 1983; Ronald Clarke primarily separated crime prevention approaches into three different categories: degree of surveillance, environmental management and target hardening method. (Clarke, 1983:223) In 2003, Clarke together with Cornish increased the techniques to twenty-five by adding another different categories focusing on reducing opportunities of crime and provocations. And the twenty-five techniques categorized under five areas. First is increasing the effort of crime which is the basic ones. It is by using the deflection of offenders like providing alternative venues for traffic and the proper managing of weapons/tools to make the crimes difficult for the offenders. Second is to increase the risk of crimes. The focal point of this is about the risks of getting caught rather than the consequences because once the person is in protection, the consequences are predictable. Third is lessening the rewards which are the significant part of the situational crime prevention that focuses on declining the crime benefit offers. Forth, reducing provocations in which the people will expect less to appoint in crime. And lastly, the fifth category which focuses on the fact that most of the offenders try to lessen their acts by neutralizing the outcomes and seeks to take away such ability to make
The participation to prevent crime from happening or simple as crime prevention can achieved in two ways: by changing the nature of the offenders or decreasing his or her opportunities. Go back in 1983; Ronald Clarke primarily separated crime prevention approaches into three different categories: degree of surveillance, environmental management and target hardening method. (Clarke, 1983:223) In 2003, Clarke together with Cornish increased the techniques to twenty-five by adding another different categories focusing on reducing opportunities of crime and provocations. And the twenty-five techniques categorized under five areas. First is increasing the effort of crime which is the basic ones. It is by using the deflection of offenders like providing alternative venues for traffic and the proper managing of weapons/tools to make the crimes difficult for the offenders. Second is to increase the risk of crimes. The focal point of this is about the risks of getting caught rather than the consequences because once the person is in protection, the consequences are predictable. Third is lessening the rewards which are the significant part of the situational crime prevention that focuses on declining the crime benefit offers. Forth, reducing provocations in which the people will expect less to appoint in crime. And lastly, the fifth category which focuses on the fact that most of the offenders try to lessen their acts by neutralizing the outcomes and seeks to take away such ability to make