Simon, talking directly to Ralph, states “I just think you’ll get back all right” (111). As Jesus did, Simon helps and supports others, including Ralph by reassuring and comforting them. Due to his prophetic powers, Simon senses that Ralph will get back unharmed. In addition to perceiving that Ralph will be ok, he understands the beast is inside the boys themselves, claiming “maybe it's only us” (Golding 89). Piggy and many others believe this is “nuts,” just as thousands did not believe Jesus’ teachings (Golding 89). In addition to claiming he doesn't believe in the beast, Simon suggests that they “ought to climb the mountain” (Golding 128). Simon, assured that the beast is not a physical monster, is trying to help the boys to realize that there is no physical beast, displaying the kindness and foresight that both he and Jesus posses. Simon, the only pure character in the novel, reveals his connections and similarities to Christ through his suggestions and indirect
Simon, talking directly to Ralph, states “I just think you’ll get back all right” (111). As Jesus did, Simon helps and supports others, including Ralph by reassuring and comforting them. Due to his prophetic powers, Simon senses that Ralph will get back unharmed. In addition to perceiving that Ralph will be ok, he understands the beast is inside the boys themselves, claiming “maybe it's only us” (Golding 89). Piggy and many others believe this is “nuts,” just as thousands did not believe Jesus’ teachings (Golding 89). In addition to claiming he doesn't believe in the beast, Simon suggests that they “ought to climb the mountain” (Golding 128). Simon, assured that the beast is not a physical monster, is trying to help the boys to realize that there is no physical beast, displaying the kindness and foresight that both he and Jesus posses. Simon, the only pure character in the novel, reveals his connections and similarities to Christ through his suggestions and indirect