No one quite knew that this was going on. Tom got a little jealous but he is having an affair himself. In the middle of the novel, Gatsby calls off his parties. Daisy is not amused by the parties. Gatsby fires his servants because he thinks they are gossiping about the love affair (Mr. Manisero notes, chapter 7). Daisy admits to loving Gatsby; she wants to leave Tom. On the way home from lunch, Nick sees something odd. He then realizes that Tom’s mistress has been hit by a car. Daisy was driving the car and on accident hit Myrtle. Gatsby took the blame for it all. George was Myrtle’s husband George thought that Gatsby was the one who had the interest in Myrtle since she was pronounced dead by his car. In the very last chapter of the novel, we come to assurance that Gatsby was murdered by
No one quite knew that this was going on. Tom got a little jealous but he is having an affair himself. In the middle of the novel, Gatsby calls off his parties. Daisy is not amused by the parties. Gatsby fires his servants because he thinks they are gossiping about the love affair (Mr. Manisero notes, chapter 7). Daisy admits to loving Gatsby; she wants to leave Tom. On the way home from lunch, Nick sees something odd. He then realizes that Tom’s mistress has been hit by a car. Daisy was driving the car and on accident hit Myrtle. Gatsby took the blame for it all. George was Myrtle’s husband George thought that Gatsby was the one who had the interest in Myrtle since she was pronounced dead by his car. In the very last chapter of the novel, we come to assurance that Gatsby was murdered by