This literary work follows a cast of characters living in the fictional town of West Egg on prosperous Long Island during 1922. And the fascinating story primarily concerns the young and mysterious millionaire Jay Gatsby and his quixotic passion and obsession for the beautiful former debutante Daisy Buchanan. In …show more content…
Although he had lots of things, several stewards and servants which people want to have, he lived alone. At that time, he had no families with him. Most people knew him, but few people understood him. That is a pity, I think. And later, he found his lost lover, Daisy. However, Daisy had been married with Tom Buchanan. Tom Buchanan had a mistress outside, Myrtle, who is the wife of a car repairing shopkeeper, George. Daisy is actually unhappy about the life with Tom, when she met Jay Gatsby, she is excited indeed. One day, they went out for fun, Tom Buchanan and Jay Gatsby quarreled intensely, they knew each other’s background distinctly, the situation was out of control then. Daisy wanted to go home, Jay Gatsby chased outside and companied with Daisy in the cool yellow car. Just at that night, the grievous accident happened. When the yellow car arrived at the shop of George, Myrtle thought it was Tom, she rushed out to the street, was hit by the car. Because of the fear, the car drove away without giving consideration to the poor defunct. In fact, the driver in the car was Daisy, but Daisy was freak out, the kind Jay Gatsby wanted let everybody understand that the Myrtle is killed by him, not Daisy. He also wanted to take Daisy away from this place, going somewhere else. The poor Jay Gatsby did not realized Daisy was too shocked to think in the right way, when Tom got home, he comforted Daisy to stay with him, …show more content…
It mainly tells a story about famous millinery, Ma Zouri. He had the same experience with Jay Gatsby, I think. They were all successful in their areas in the beginning, full of money and reputation. They all had their beloved women, who are extraordinary beautiful. However, the great condition was not last so long, the poor men were misunderstood as the killer due to the women’s mistakes. Their miserable endings were