The most blatant misfortunes occur due to the foolish nature humans possess. They are a result of personal carelessness. With many difficulties arising from the careless actions people are prone to make, mistakes result. Those who have made these mistakes, especially in The Great Gatsby, lack the ability to accept responsibility for actions they have taken. Carelessness in The Great Gatsby is a prominent representation of the power the wealthy bestowed in 1920’s society. Gatsby, Tom, and Daisy manipulate the results of their frivolous action through their money and accompanying status. The careless actions that characters make in this novel continuously lacks repercussions and adequate consequences. Carelessness in The Great …show more content…
Her preoccupations with self proclaimed love and over confidence in herself enables her to live a careless life where she does not have to deal with the repercussion brought forth by her actions. Daisy’s overconfidence is highlighted and exemplified through the narrator when she states, “I’ve been everywhere and seen everything and done everything. Sophisticated- God, I’m sophisticated” (17). With this characteristics of immense self pride, carelessness is accompanied as she isn’t able to see that many of her actions have drastic effects on others. When one holds themselves on such a high pedestal, a lack of compassion results. Which for Daisy, indirectly causes her to live carelessly as she is not able to fully grasp the severity of actions she takes. The carelessness that Daisy pertains is pivotal to her character development as it allows her to make decisions without having to evaluate all the possible ramifications that could result. Daisy’s carelessness is portrayed when she hits and Kills Tom’s mistress Myrtle and then fails to stop Gatsby’s car to take responsibility. Only does Gatsby inform Nick that Daisy was the one driving when Nick asks “Was Daisy driving?” which Gatsby replies “Yes” (143). Daisy had the ability to stop and show concern, but because of her status she feared that her reputation could be damaged. This fear ultimately …show more content…
Scott Fitzgerald used carelessness to drastically change and create drama in characters’ lives. Carelessness by Tom and Daisy Buchannan had an overwhelming purpose to protect and maintain their social status and reputation. The inability to be compassionate toward others and the ability to be blinded by money and status is what created the immense carelessness in Tom and Daisy. Daisy and Toms carelessness was pivotal in the novel as it lead to the death of Myrtle and Gatsby. While Gatsby was carelessness in a sense less materialistic, his carelessness came form his naivety of finding true love in Daisy. The carelessness that Gatsby possessed ultimately can be held responsible for his death. As F. Scott Fitzgerald said through Nick, “They were careless people…they smashed up things and then retreated back into their money and let other people clean up the mess”