The Great Gatsby Displays His View Of Women Being Inferior

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Scott Fitzgerald Throughout The Great Gatsby Displays his View of Women Being Inferior
When reading The Great Gatsby people often think of the roaring twenties and the glittering lifestyles of the characters, but they often overlook the obvious submissiveness of the women in this novel. In The Great Gatsby the reader listens to a story about the great man, Jay Gatsby, who chases after a mirage of this weak woman named Daisy. This novel ends in the failure of Gatsby and the reckless Daisy the way she was before reconnecting with him, as well as Tom no longer having an affair with the deceased Myrtle Wilson who was ran over by his wife, Daisy. Later on, Wilson who is mourning his dearly beloved (Myrtle) kills Gatsby thinking it was Gatsby that
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“It was gas blue with lavender beads. Two hundred and sixty-five dollars.”(Fitzgerald, 48.) This quote is a detail Fitzgerald decides to include from a woman at one of Gatsby’s parties shows how he believes women to be extremely materialistic and obsessed with money. To continue further, Daisy can’t even seem to light her own cigarette due to her sensitivity at the hotel during the verbal fight between Tom and Gatsby.(Fitzgerald, 148.) Afterall, she is a women and it is far too overwhelming and exhausting to have two men fawning over you and arguing for your love (Hyperbole). The fact that Daisy cannot seem to compose herself, and cannot perform simple human actions reflects very much on her ability to take care of herself. Fitzgerald displays how Daisy is simply to weak because his views of women must be that feeble and dainty creatures. Otherwise, why would he make the female lead this way? Likewise, Daisy wanted a man with money so he could further support and take care of her(Fitzgerald, 80).Fitzgerald is trying to say that Daisy married for money, and is not able to support herself in any capacity except for marriage because she has no smarts and no talent, compared to the competent and skillful men. Even with all of this support and lack of a kind character women are given by Fitzgerald, he even goes the extra mile to place them as the causes of …show more content…
Daisy thinking it will relax her drove when she was emotionally unstable and ran Myrtle over instantly killing her(Fitzgerald, 144 & 151). This makes Daisy look like a complete air head, a bad driver, and that she is distracted by her sensitivity. Gatsby taking the blame for Daisy for running Myrtle over causing Tom to think Gatsby was the true murderer(Fitzgerald, 151). Gatsby felt that he had to protect Daisy, and Daisy never tried to stop him at all, letting everyone think that it was Gatsby driving when George’s wife was ran over. Closer to the end of the novel, George Wilson murders Jay Gatsby and commits suicide after doing so. Pg 151 Gatsby taking the blame for Daisy for running Myrtle over causing Tom to think Gatsby was the true murderer. Tom thought that it was best that Wilson knew who the true killer was probably for closure, telling him that it was indeed Jay Gatsby who killed his love Myrtle Wilson. In George’s mind he didn’t think that his wife’s death was an accident, but that her lover did it on purpose. George actually killed the wrong person for the death of his wife, and he didn’t know that it was an accident.If Daisy hadn’t kept quiet, or maybe if Myrtle hadn’t ran out into the road in the

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