Similarities Between The Devil And Tom Walker

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The Devil and Tom Walker by Washington Irving teaches a very big important lesson, just like the short story The Phoenix by Sylvia Townsend Warner. The Devil and Tom Walker is also a short story, it was written in 1824 and The Phoenix was written in the year of 1940. When i was reading the stories i noticed that both stories shared the same theme. The story of Devil and Tom Walker is about a guy named Tom and his deal with the devil he was pressured into accepting this deal by his wife because she was very greedy. The phoenix is about a very rare which brings a guy named Mr. Poldero. Mr.Poldero purchases the bird because he thought he would be rich because of people want to see the bird but it turned the complete opposite. Both stories talk …show more content…
The reason for this is because it has pressure and doubt. Tom is the one with all these mixed feelings because it he isn’t sure if he should accept the devil’s deal. The devil’s deal is that he offers the riches hidden in the swamp by Captain Kidd in exchange for his soul! Tom didn’t think of accepting. But his wife didn’t believe he would do it, so she went herself and went to look for the devil to give her soul, the devil wasn’t happy and killed her instead. Tom was happy because he didn’t appreciate his wife. Tom didn’t believe the devil and first and said “what proof have I that all you have been telling me is true?”The devil responded “There is my signature” he pressed his finger on Toms forehead, leaving a black print of a finger burnt. After a few days Tom accepted the deal. From this point I had an image that came into my head wasn’t to good I know people change very much once they have money. The author gave very good detail in the form he wrote the story which helped me foreshadow Tom’s future with this deal he had made with the devil. The way Tom …show more content…
But in that story it’s about a guy named Lord Strawberry who found a bird who was thought to be extinct. When he found the bird his money level went down because of how much it cost to keep up with the bird. Well it didn’t turn out that way the visitors got bored of the bird not doing anything cool so they decided not to go nowhere. Mr. Poldero was a very greedy man and he wanted to think of something so people could go unlucky. The bird grew old and set on fore and Mr.Poldero was left with no money. The story uses symbols a couple of times starting with “it was a remarkably fine Phoenix with a charming character affable to the other birds in the aviary and much attached to Lord Strawberry.” This story was not like in all stories this one didn’t end up good, it went down hill for the characters instead of being happy ending like in most stories. The words that the author used to describe the bird helped me to create an image in my head of the Phoenix, which helped me understand the story more. As you could see it important to not to be greedy because things will turn out not

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