Tom tried to cheat the devil when he decided to rededicate his life the God. However, the irony of the story is that Tom is a greedy many and takes money from the needy, and in return he devil takes his life (Irving). The reason the devil set Tom on fire is because he was trying to escape the devil by getting closer to God. He done the devil wrong and was punished, however; Tom done the needy wrong and it came back to get him. Everything comes back around, it’s how life works. Irony is greed are two main things in this story. Although, could irony and greed not be one in the same? Greedy people normally do bad against others and get bad done unto them. The irony in “The Devil and Tom Walker” is that he does bad to others and bad is done unto him. In today’s society it would be like “what comes around goes around”. These statements and this story relate to all of humanity because it shows that in fact every action has a reaction. One cannot do something without there being a result from that
Tom tried to cheat the devil when he decided to rededicate his life the God. However, the irony of the story is that Tom is a greedy many and takes money from the needy, and in return he devil takes his life (Irving). The reason the devil set Tom on fire is because he was trying to escape the devil by getting closer to God. He done the devil wrong and was punished, however; Tom done the needy wrong and it came back to get him. Everything comes back around, it’s how life works. Irony is greed are two main things in this story. Although, could irony and greed not be one in the same? Greedy people normally do bad against others and get bad done unto them. The irony in “The Devil and Tom Walker” is that he does bad to others and bad is done unto him. In today’s society it would be like “what comes around goes around”. These statements and this story relate to all of humanity because it shows that in fact every action has a reaction. One cannot do something without there being a result from that