Sigmund Freud's Theory

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“Unconscious Thought Fantasies and Dreams Repression Emotions The Mind” (McGowan). There are many details when it comes to talking about psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis is the study of the emotions and thoughts of the human brain. Sigmund Freud, the man who created the theory of psychoanalysis. Freud grew up in the small town of Freiberg, Moravia which is now a part of the Czech Republic. Freud spent the majority of his adult life studying and testing his theory of psychoanalysis. This paper will look at the history and background of psychoanalysis and Sigmund Freud himself. Sigmund Freud, formally known as Sigismund Schlomo Freud was born in 1856. Freud did not take his modern name until he went to the University. Sigmund and his family spent …show more content…
When Freud first started exploring psychoanalysis he began working with Berlin otolaryngologist Wilhelm Fliess. Freud’s first began with theories of homosexuality and bisexuality. His complex theory of bisexuality began with Freud believing that bisexuality focused on the unconscious mind secures itself from homosexuality desires. Freud first began to work with ‘Dora’ in 1990, ‘Dora’ was 18, she first began to display acts of neurotic behavior. Freud believed this behavior was caused by somatic symptoms. He also believed that she had hysteria symptoms, ‘Dora’ had sexualy fantasies of not only males but also unconscious females. Freud and his patient ‘Dora’ met five or more times a week. Freud claimed that meeting this many times a weekend helps the patient believe Freud’s office is a safe place where his patients can speak freely and explain anything on one’s mind. Freud considered this to be a way to connect with his patients and receive a deeper connection. During Freud’s session’s with his patients, he would often suggest to his patients to relax and get comfy, Freud had a long, red, old fashioned couch, with many blankets and pillows to help his patients in any way. Freud concluded that ‘Dora’ was suffering from the symptoms he proclaimed in his early studies. ‘Dora’ is just one of the many people that Sigmund examined and helped through their struggles as

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