Annotated Bibliography: Freud

Improved Essays
Annotated Bibliography: Freud

Hebbrecht, M. (2013). The dream as a picture of the psychoanalytic process. Romanian Journal of Psychoanalysis, 6(2), 123–142. Retrieved from
This article references the Interpretation of Dreams by Freud in reference to the pictures of dream life and the psychology behind dreams. Freuds technique is to break the dream in all its elements and listening to the client not finding the hidden message himself, but guiding and removing obstacles of the dreamer. The narrative of the dream is thought to be, in theory, like bringing a picture to the session. It is
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The initial thought being to standardize the process regardless of geographical location. Four overall obstacles are addressed. First, the historian must establish and internal and external perspective of the opinion of psychoanalysis and the processes that occur. Second, there are no formal academic institutions that teach the actual method of psychoanalysis, rather institutions guide the theory and establish understanding while associations may have further insight to the process. Third, psychoanalysis should be looked at as a theory and practice, a long one at that. Fourth, while there is no formal way to document, an active physical archive of such interactions/interviews should be kept during the whole process. There are both internal and external threats to the practice of psychoanalysis. External threats are academia, institutions, psychologist etc. one must understand this is common and not something that will disappear over time. Much criticism surrounds the practice. Internally, practicing individuals will defend the theory to the end with references to historians alike. Both sides are equally suspicious and destructive to the practice in a myriad of ways. The article notes that psychoanalysis is a method used to determine what drives are causing emotion or mental distress in a client. Human beings have a way of expressing themselves that is not always interpreted clearly, analysis provides insight and reason for investigation. Psychoanalysis will continue to gain scrutiny from the academic perspective, medical professionals and practitioners of the theory will experience doubt and emotions that are stirred as a result of the practice itself. It is uncertain and authors are unable to determine if psychoanalysis will forever be viewed from this

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