She made note that often times those coworkers were struggling financially due to the low pay of their jobs. Makens encouraged the idea of raising the pay of minimum wage to a livable amount. This stance sparked an economic conversation due to the fact that a possible increase in pay for low income jobs could very well negatively affect the …show more content…
Makens first included The New Yorker author, James Surowiecki’s “The Pay Is Too Dam Low” and took note of his stance on being for the raise of minimum wage by the creation of a “European-style safety net system.” (45) She then included her own doubting points based from Surowiecki’s article by questioning how the government would even be able to raise the money for that type of safety net system. Makens then moved to another article piece from a business perspective by the name of “To Help The Poor, Move Beyond ‘Minimum’ Gestures,” written by Michael Saltsman. She was persuaded by Saltsman’s comments about “the negative economic consequences of a living wage” (46) but she wasn’t satisfied that the living wage was completely ineffective. Makens continues this method of searching for more differing views of the topic of raising minimum wage so that low income employees can live off of their earnings. She effectively showed her audience the many views of the argument and her opinions and takes from each source she